Recent content by ~jet

  1. ~jet

    How has the GOP fixed the economy?

    They haven't... the GOP (not to be confused with folk who consider themselves conservative) is the party of rich people; it always has been. Sure, democrats in office are typically richer than their constituents, but typically not so rich as their GOP counterparts, either, whose constituents...
  2. ~jet

    Is the justice system broken? speaking of which... while exxon mobil delays paying fines for disasters they cause for decades, and who the heck knows with the anthony...
  3. ~jet

    Is the justice system broken?

    We have 5% of the world's population and 25% of the world's prisoners. The only countries who put more people to death than we do are Saudi Arabia, Iraq, China and one other I forget (but also in the middle east.) People who destroy entire economies get rewarded while people so poor that they...
  4. ~jet

    Dear INFJs: Where do you hang out, outside of your home?

    Don't, really... when I get out, I find natural places... quarries, mountaintops, shorelines... as far from people as possible.
  5. ~jet

    Sung-Bong Choi

    Saw this and it is the best
  6. ~jet

    Why did God create stupid people?

    also mildly amusing: I actually have no problem with the idea of God; just in the way people handle it
  7. ~jet

    Why did God create stupid people?

    It's really starting to appear as though god was created by man to act as a scapegoat so humanity can avoid having to be responsible for its own mistakes =3
  8. ~jet

    What causes rigid ideology?

  9. ~jet

    Cannot decide on a career and it's driving me nuts. Longish, sorry. Please help?

    One thing to keep in mind is that most novelists never make enough to rely on completely by itself... many are successful and still have to have some other source of income as well.
  10. ~jet

    What are you listening to right now? (part 6)

    I am listening to TAU hello tau (today is tau day)
  11. ~jet

    The US Economy Will Be Slag Within One Year

    No kidding... if we continue to measure 'progress' as 'growth' we will die. Even cancer cannot survive it's perpetual growth since it eventually kills its host.
  12. ~jet

    The US Economy Will Be Slag Within One Year

    The republicans are TRYING to tank this economy. Can't get any NOT-glenn-beck than: It's a fair observation even if you don't entirely agree.
  13. ~jet

    Man Robs Bank... For Health Care Benefits

    Welcome to America; of, by, and for the corporation!
  14. ~jet


    I STILL think that one of the addons for Oblivion should have been your heading up the reconstruction of kvatch (and thus becoming its new count.)