Man Robs Bank... For Health Care Benefits

dream echo


I watched this video and read various news articles about this man. I don't know if I'm more amazed or saddened by his story.

What do you guys think of this? Can you imagine doing anything like this under any circumstances? If not, what would you do in a similar position?
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I didn't watch it but I'm assuming it's in America since we're the only industrialized nation with an entirely privatized system for under 65.

Only in the USA. Baseball, Apple Pie and Crap Health Care System.

I watched this video and read various news articles about this man. I don't know if I'm more amazed or saddened by his story.

What do you guys think of this? Can you imagine doing anything like this under any circumstances? If not, what would you do in a similar position?

Welcome to America; of, by, and for the corporation!

also i totally thought of that scheme about 2 years ago. not even kidding. stole my friggin idea.
Watching that video makes me very glad that i dont live there and live in
a country where everyone is able to recieve health care when they
need it. Socialist were right. At least with this thing.
I read an article about this guy and posted it on my facebook. I complained about the lack of jobs for people able and willing to work. For us older people a lot of the jobs available are hard on the body and/or offer no medical insurance. I exclaimed where is the help/jobs/medical insurance for the middle class workers who actually worked and paid taxes?!!!

Only one person commented on it. My fellow Americans are really ostriches with their head in the sand....:ohwell:

I once met an inmate when I was interning as a counselor who was willing to sit with me and tell me "how it is". There are older men by the hundreds that he has seen who commit crimes solely so as to be incarcerated. They cannot find a means to make a decent living. Certainly there is no medical insurance. So - they plan on retiring in the prison systems as that offers a better way of life for them. Granted we're here in TX, who by the way, has been bragging about it's low(er) unemployment numbers vs the US. What they fail to say is that TX has the highest number of minimum wage on can live on that...

Essentially I don't blame the guy.
dey took our jobs!
[ame=""]YouTube - ‪South Park - Durka Durrr They took err jerb !!!‬‏[/ame]
And this is just one of the many problems occurring due to lack of jobs.
Meth manufacturing is on the rise in rural areas of WI where I live...

So let me think... make some good quick money dealing drugs... possibly get caught and do time and be supported by taxpayer dollars...

Hmmm... in this economy, I guess that would be considered win/win.
And this is just one of the many problems occurring due to lack of jobs.
Meth manufacturing is on the rise in rural areas of WI where I live...

So let me think... make some good quick money dealing drugs... possibly get caught and do time and be supported by taxpayer dollars...

Hmmm... in this economy, I guess that would be considered win/win.

On the rise - again? Where are they getting the Sudafed subsitute? horrible as it sounds is logical for the unemployed to capitalize on an easy way to make a lot of money.
Makes me think of Moonshine stills hidden in the back woods during prohibition.

I shudder to think of it...
On the rise - again? Where are they getting the Sudafed subsitute? horrible as it sounds is logical for the unemployed to capitalize on an easy way to make a lot of money.
Makes me think of Moonshine stills hidden in the back woods during prohibition.

I shudder to think of it...

Yep...still spreading; more arrests all the time. And crazily enough, the street value per gram has actually dropped somewhat as the market is flooded...

Idk where they're getting it... maybe the communities are banding together to support one another by donating their unused pseudoephedrine? O.o

But yeah, it is frighteningly logical...
On many occasions people steal something of lower value than the cost for them to be prosecuted and kept in jail - the system could just give them what they tried to steal instead.

And about jobs... what a ridiculous word in the first place. There is a proverb in every language about work, that whoever doesn't work should not eat. This is true if the provision of food is directly related to the majority of people working on it. Nowadays it's completely automated with very little human supervision. Same goes for mining and harvesting, and almost any sort of production. It's actually more efficient that way. It's actually better if all those people don't have jobs. But the system still operates on the ancient principle which is no longer valid. In fact it would be even better if even more people didn't work, because many of their jobs are counter-productive.
I would absolutely do that if I lived in a country where something that I believe should be a right for all people was denied me simply because I had no job. I mean think about it. this guy is 59. what hope in hell has he got of actually getting employment?
even in my country if you're that age and out of work it's a pretty slim chance of actually getting any, unless you have any specialised skills.

i'm lucky in the fact that I live in a country where public healthcare is a right for everyone who cannot afford to pay, so noone need do something like this here because if you were in this man's situation, medical care would not be denied you simply because you didn't have insurance.
I would argue that a healthcare system which offers benifits only to the comparitively small number who can afford them is not a good system and certainly isn't the best in the world. I would certainly put Australia, the UK, Switzerland and Scandinavia in front of it.
and they are just the places I've been to.
I would argue that a healthcare system which offers benifits only to the comparitively small number who can afford them is not a good system and certainly isn't the best in the world.

If we are considering everyone, I totally agree.

But as I originally said, if you can afford to pay for it, it is the best medical care in the world, bar none.

The system here in the US is byzantine and rarely has the interests of the patient and doctor at the core, and that
The American health care system terrifies me, to be honest.

I am glad I live in New Zealand.