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  • I'm older than some of my instructors too. It's a little weird. But I love to learn and I want to advance in my career. Plus, it's just enjoyable to increase my knowledge in general. It's weird for the teachers too when their students are older then them.
    Yeah, I forgot how much work school was, and going back at 50 isn't easy. Welcome to expanding your mind :scared:. A friend of mine went to nursing school in her late 40's. She said once she started practicing all the other nurses were so much younger than her and just assumed she had been doing it for a long time because of her age. She said, "and I didn't tell them any wiser".
    I'm drowning in homework. I have to write a curriculum model for minority gifted students at the K-12 level and I have 2 weeks to do it. I'm one week into it and it has just reached 10 pages. It has to include units, lessons, activities, intervention strategies, professional development for teachers, and an annotated list of resources. This is on top of my regular weekly chapter readings and assignments. FUCK. I wrote that eulogy cause death would be a welcome change :faint2: I love school, but it is in no way easy.
    My pleasure -- best of luck with your new skilzzzzzz sister. I'd be intimidated too. :)

    Seems like you go through a lot of change lately. Hope you're enjoying your new adventures and all of that! <3
    I'm okay. Thanks for asking. I just thought life at 50 would, well, kind of make more freaken sense then it does. Sometimes I think WTF? But if I think back. When did it ever make sense? Like never, unless I was on acid :becky:.
    Thank you, its because you're awesome. How are you going? Hope the new place is working out
    :m015: I think you shouldn't apologise in your posts... everyone understands and I'm sure empathises with you. Lots of strength to you, I give you some of mine :hug:
    I'm sorry about your guy problems. My situation isn't the same, but I empathize anyway. :hug:
    I really meant it, too! I know it's hard for people, especially INFJs, to see their own beauty sometimes. Everyone deserves to be with someone who helps them feel beautiful.
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