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  • Thank You Love! All our blessings are shared. Looking foward to it! Sometime on Monday or Tuesday? Or when is better for you. Our timezones are all different. So happy for you that you spoke to your dad. Everythings is and will be wonderful. Have a magical or perhaps I should say miraculous weekend- there is absolutely magic in the air! Found lots of interesting feathers today -baby white and gold. Seeing lots of white and gold and feeling compelled to wear these colours, Isis told me too!. And found gold quartz today as well. And people kept giving me free stuff! Everyone and everything seemed extra happy. Feeling very blessed and loved and inspired and I share all these blessings and love with you too.
    Wonderful! Bless you Serenity. Aah that dreaded talk- yes, it is ugly- and it will not seem dreaded at all when you are living your dream, even the ones that objected will be delighted for you. If you ever want to talk via skype- let me know. I love you
    Yes. I DO want to talk - so tomorrow at 1 EST is fine. I'll make sure to arrange my day for it. :bounce:
    Yes. It is quite interesting to watch the body and feel the energy of the emotion as it comes on and seeks relief. Sort of like a pop off valve on a steam boiler. I have noticed if I do not allow it's expression - I seem to feel stretched with heaviness and out of sorts. After I get to cry I feel hollow and lighter. Free...like I could fly.
    Yay! We get to talk!!!!! :hug:
    In the evenings I am free Mon, Wed, Thur. Anytime on Sat or Sunday. I received incredible news from the psychic last night and now I cannot stop crying. Both wonderful and sad news bring tears of joy and sadness. The human body is an enigma is it not?
    :hug: thanks for the hugs! Yesterday was actually kind of amazing. I have had clinical up on the OB unit for the last few weeks and I got to observe my first live birth! On John's birthday, of all days! I thought that was pretty dang awesome and I felt a bit of a connection with that adorable little boy. It sounds weird, since I will likely never see him again, so I am super glad he has amazing parents (you wouldn't believe some of the parents we've seen up there, it's downright scary!) Anyway, I just thought that was pretty cool! :D
    I'm doing all right, luv. Having a bit of trouble getting going today, but all will be well once I get some momentum. How are you doing? How's the work coming along? I still got my fingers crossed for you this month! :)
    Hope you're feeling better Love. What do you think the symbolic meaning of bird shit is? Esp finding it inside the house in obvious places where you know no bird has physically been. And birds in general being drawn to you? I was fine with the bird part, but this bird shit stuff is a bit lol and perplexing to say the least. Good thing I've already lost my mind otherwise this'd be too much lol!
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