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  • Hello beautiful. :)
    I PM'd an admin so hopefully they can sort things out.
    I might send a PM to one of the admins. I had problems with getting approved when I signed up too.

    I can't wait for you to join, it's really cool there. They are so lovely!
    They're adorable, aren't they? I saw this picture and knew I had to have it as my picture :p

    Have you been approved at BNA yet?
    I can't figure it out Lauren, am I Ni Dom or Fe dom... Gosh darn it. I fit both ENFJ and INFJ like no ones business. I feel like I'm forcing myself to be ENFJ though... I guess only time will tell?

    And what does wack indeed mean?


    Truth is, I don't want to write my book. I've thought about it every night, but every time I put my fingers to the keyboard I couldn't make them type. I'm afraid no one will believe me. wack
    So I was listening to that video you sent to Gabe- of Daniel and Alan reading Shakespeare's Sonnet 130.
    Which did you prefer? ;O

    I liked Alan's. It gave me the chills.
    I'll write it for you.

    SoTL is Royal's slave. She is incredibly stupid, and that's how Royal can easily manipulate her to do whatever she wants. She can sing, and Royal is planning to give her a hipster look (ty hipster hitler for the idea) and exploit her for muchos $$$. She is to however needs to have some fun! (She's not the one being fun, but does your stuff so you can go out and have fun. If it wasn't clear)

    What do you think of this biography? :D
    I meant to respond on your own page, but I took a wrong turn somewhere and it ended up on mine. I hope you understand if I say I would like to keep it there though... Just in case anyone else has a similar inquiry ;)
    Get to know me and you'll see. It's quite a long story

    I still don't see your biography!
    I get laryngitis quite a bit (;
    It sucks.

    I've never had meningitis, that I
    know of anyway.
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