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  • Okay
    When I see it, I just wanna do what TheDaringHatTrick wrote :D
    but im not letting you touch it, you're probably going to murder him/her :(
    Thank you.

    I think it better represents me and my mental state.

    I am going to draw myself one in the near future.
    :P Twilight fan eh?

    My best friend (male) is one too.
    He kept trying to convince me to go the the theatre to watch the movie, but I didn't.
    He's also as straight as possible by the way. (He'd tell me if he wasn't, we share everything.)
    Seriously? :O
    How did the students react to them?
    You go Quick Links>Edit Your Details> and you'll find there under Custom User Title. =)

    It's the only song I am listening to right now. Next time we're on TC you'll sing for me? :D
    I just don't know what :( I suck at math so much. My testing skills are also horrible. I feel my brain is so polarized.
    Math in general :( if I told you my SAT Math score it would look so bad..

    There was a huge gap between my math and reading scores.

    Love the reading section..the math is the one that makes my score not very good.

    It is sort of an advantage to know Italian lol it is the closest to Latin you would ever get.
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