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  • I agree about the aurora lights, they look spectacular. I'd like to see them in person one day.
    I didn't know they were going to do that. Thanks for the heads up. :) I'm rereading NM and at my favorite part... B's epiphany.
    Hmm for me it is a tie between Belle and Jasmin. I love them for different reasons. I love Beauty and the Beast for the beautiful story, how it is important to see what's inside. It's truly not an easy lesson to learn in this day and age which celebrates certain ideals of beauty and so on. Yeah the ballroom scene is definitely memorable. :)

    As for Aladdin, I love the Middle East and oriental settings. I also like Jasmin for her fiesty nature haha!
    Hi, is that Belle and a stuffed toy of the Beast? I love Beauty and the Beast. Must have watched it countless times. Even so, Belle standing at the top of the stairway is still a moving sight for me haha!
    I couldn't find your question regarding Twilight until now. I will investigate them further, but you have basically shared them as something new to me and I thank you for that.
    Me too (:

    For some reason I thought you'd like it, too (:
    I'm glad you do.
    Hey hey! I'm doing alright, what's been going on in your neck of the woods?
    Ok I've stalked your photo album. I like the pic with the guitar! Turn it right side up, add some more to the pic thread =)
    lmao I just realized I repped you for pics that aren't you. How embarrassing! Well I'll have to make it up to you on your next round of pics. Hopefully I'll spot them.
    Oh shit, I thought that picture was deleted :P
    Turns out raccoon quoted it :(
    you are too kind (: and have quite beautiful eyes yourself, but i sincerely thank you for the rep and compliment :)
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