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  • You knew it I'm sure...when I saw that deck amongst the other 100 or so they had in the shop I just had to buy it for some reason.
    Hi Eirene! I'm still pretty new to the site, and I've read (and enjoyed) quite a few of your posts and responses and I wanted to stop by to say hello(:
    Oh!! I'm retarded and read "two weeks"... -.-
    Hmm... Didnt know you went through a particularly moody phase. Sigh hormones.
    Feeling a little crazy but not too much more than I normally am. x_x I think I'm doing okay right now, just finally been voicing some pent-up thoughts.
    I deleted everyone, irl people too, off of my skype list last week and ragequit the forum last week after some stress if that's something you've noticed and are wondering about. I guess I plan on adding people back after a critical hump this weekend. Just wanted space.
    Sorry if I upset you.
    coOooOol... thank you!! and an awesome twin flame pic for you :)
    Hey Lovely, Just wanted to drop in and say love you, bless you. Hope all is coming together beautifully in your world
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