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  • I havent tried it yet, i look foward to doing so. I was thinking about it yesterday in terms of healing. So many things i havent tried yet- my mind is opening. Thank you for being here and sharing your thoughts and experience, it means so much to me. How are you feeling today? I feel completely excited and peaceful simulataneously, it is a bizzare but wonderful sensation.
    Can you email the meditation to me? I've been listening to the guy on Mastering Alchemy dot com. He teaches one how to rebuild their aura field - how to visualize a rose and then burst it in order to keep one healthy in their energy field - and some other stuff I haven't encountered yet. He says these are tools to use with whatever method of spiritual journey one chooses to walk. I like his attitude. He's not frantic.... know what I mean?
    Thanks for the rep comment.

    I admit it's a difficult conflict between wanting to just lurk and observe and also wanting to contribute without drawing attention to oneself. It's especially conflicting when I feel like I genuinely want attention for what I contribute or when I feel like I do not and simply casually comment or feel like I should comment because of social convention or politeness and that it is nearly impossible to distinguish between the two.

    The passive-aggressiveness is equally difficult when considering the paradox of tolerance. Is being intolerant of intolerance itself tolerance or intolerance, eh?

    I simply agree that I can be a passive-aggressive attention-whore and try to apologize or shut the hell up from time to time.

    I know how you feel though, sometimes we just need to take a break from each other and get some space to recharge ourselves.
    Is it okay if I insist on having my mind read from now on? ;)
    I did...and have been drinking mucho water. :) I did feel some activity right along the major hit point on my skull and was actually able to sleep on it during the night for a restful sleep. I attribute that to you!
    Last night I asked my ex to examine it and see if he could detect bruising. He saw none - except the area along my eye. I began to get worried that the injury was on the inside of my skull and this morning explored the idea of going to the ER as they said they have a CTscan. My bf called me to volunteer to bring me soup. When she arrived she examined it. She definitely saw all shades of bruising and redness on the swollen hit spot. I was soooo relieved to hear this. I drank some green tea and have been lightly active for a while this afternoon. I think I'll be ok.
    I am kinda wondering why I did that to myself on the eve of winter solstice??????
    I hope yours was grand!!! :D
    You sure may!!!! I am about to lay down for a bit and any help is much appreciated. :hug:
    I only know "mom" but if it's ASL, I don't know :) I thought that finger spelling might be tedious at best!

    I speak German, English (obviously haha), Russian and Ukrainian. I plan Polish and French next. Polish because it should come easier given other two Slavic languages. French because I like French literature and film :)
    This must be enough for the next decade.
    It's fascinating! Unusual. My experience with it starts and ends with some random documentaries I've watched 100 years ago :redface:
    Always wanted to learn sign language, there's something beautiful about it, physical too.
    I am well. I am enjoying the free time I currently have.

    I still remember I bailed on our Skype date. Sorry about that. We can do it this weekend or just sometime soon, if you want (:
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