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  • I went to fix my webcam and when I return the place is empty! D:
    I'll cam with you soon ^_^ <3
    Nawh D: You didn't! I was mainly joking and I just forgot to come back in D: !

    I hope you're taking care of yourself <3 (:
    to pen thoughts that seem worthwhile before they leave
    hard to say.. i suck at those questions - i don't have a good self-perspective. others can probably answer that better for me

    glad for the weekend? yeah.

    i'm good.
    Thanks hun! <3 Hopefully this upcoming semester will go better than the first one. Uni is a lot to get used to.

    i need your help in coming up with a new/clever/fitting blog title lol.

    how are you?
    Aww, I hope things go ok! I really need to get my grades up :/ I really need to try harder this upcoming semester and get my brain sorted.

    wait, msn is the same as windows live... right? aerosol said it was. but i have windows live messenger. ima go running.
    I'm okay :) Still sick but finally starting to feel like I'm on the way to getting better :smile:

    How are you? x
    wtf why am i not online, it says I am online. lemme tinker with these settings then i gtg running. AND POST YOUR PICTURE ON MY THREAD I JUST MADE.
    boo do you have msn? if so add me and try and messenge me A) i wanna talk and B) i think something glitchy is happening with msn, its showing aerosol as off when she swears she's on. I'm Urtehnoes@live.com
    hey at what rep level did you get 3 bars at? I want to know how close I am to 3, I should be pretty close.
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