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  • ...Out of the whole school? Whoa, that's certainly something! Gratz :D

    (screw calculus lol *runs*)
    Me, too! I tried INTPc and INTJf, but my highest post count was 0.13 per day.

    I could get truly long and elaborate on this answer, but I will spare you:)

    I usually test as INTJ/INFJ and sometimes as INTP/INFP- in that order. I think I wanted to be an INTP since I studied philosophy, but I have since realized that Ni is probably my primary function. I nearly always test as INTJ, but I appreciate and respect the INFJ personality and that is probably why I sometimes test that way. However, my Fe is rather low while my Fi is quite high (usually my fourth highest function following Ni, Te, Ti) proportionally speaking.

    I am beginning to think more and more that I am an INTJ with unusual internal connectedness to my feelings.

    What about you? what is your variable?
    :) You INFJs are a most interesting bunch. Though I've only been involved with a few forums, I think INFJf is the best one I've found.
    Exactly! I used to work at a Christian daycare & got reprimanded for being too affectionate with a child. I kissed him on the back of his head...
    Anything you'd care to share with me is welcome and would go no further.

    Also, thanks for the rep. Btw, your mind was supposed to be in the gutter, lol! Aint you a Taurus?
    Didn't you once say that your moon was in Libra? That would mean you would play a emotionally supportive role with both your parents, especially if it's a close conjunction; wanting harmony between all of you, and maybe feeling the need to be the one to make concessions to keep the peace.
    Lol, considering all the Taureans I've met, I'd have to say yes. Even the thinner ones tend to be. Out of all the signs, those with an emphasis on Libra, Sagittarius and Taurus tend to put on weight the easiest. And because Taureans tend towards a sturdier build in general, the boobies tend to be equivalent to hip size, so most of us end up with the "perfect" hourglass figures. Of course, that's just general...the ascendant, first house planets and chart ruler(s) have a lot to do with it. :)
    Zomg! I hid the doobage from my hubby, even! I iz r ruined! lol

    But yeah, we Taurus chics iz hawt! And boobiful! :)
    Aack! Now you knows why I've never posted a pic...my secret is out, oh noes!!! Wait a minute, how do you know? U r iz stalking me!!!! Back, evil woman! lolz
    Yeah, I must be a lesbian, too, right!? I have been accused of this, as well. Doomed to be overly affectionate, i suppose. So frustrating...
    Hehe, I thought nobody would notice that, but yes I thought having an account called with your personal ID is to much extravagant and I decided to make another one :)
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