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  • oh, 300 is pretty cheap for phones in new zealand (well sort of mid-range). the nicest blackberries cost 1000. we have pretty shitty technology and stuff here. not as much choice as america,t here are pretty much only 2 main service providers too, 2-3 smaller ones.

    yes yuo should have a look at the phone and tell me what you think :] it has wifi so i'd be able to go online from my phone and chat to you ;)

    i hate cleaning. i REALLY need to clean my room but i haven't yet. down the side of my bed (theres the wall with a window, a gap, then our bed) is such a pig sty. we're going to a wedding on friday so i need to do some washing and tidy up a bit :p we're also going to engagement party tomorrow which i'm excited about, they're the most lovely couple. i want to get engaged! i want a ring haha. we've been together for 9 months now (and some change), which seems like a longish time to me compared to my parents and sister. my mum and dad got married after dating for 9 months, and my sister and her husband got engaged after being together for 9 months. D: i want to be engaged haha.
    Yay, letter. :) And don't worry about dieting! You already know this, but dieting = bad, healthy eating and everything in moderation = good. I am not good at following those rules, though, I have terrible eating habits. We don't have scales at our flat so i have no idea how much i weigh... and i don't really want to know because it will be awful. after a month living there i'd already gained like 2kg :/

    i hope you did well on your o chem test too :] i will be thinking of you my love.

    i'm sort of over university already. it is a lot of work and i'm really tired, and had other stuff going on in my life, its been a bit overwhelming, but i'm sure i will get more used to it as time goes on - it's only the 3rd week lol. but will definitely take a bit of getting used to.

    i put a bid on a phone on trademe (the nz equivalent to ebay, approximately) back when i thought my phone was broken, then it started working again, but no one has outbid me so i may end up with two working phones *facepalm*
    the new one is a nokia e-5 i think though, so it's quite nice and my bid is for $300, its selling in stores for $500. i kinda hope i get outbid but i also hope i don't because its a nice phone haha. sorry i'm kinda rambly! i feel like i haven't talked to you for ages

    not at the moment lovey. i'm on the uni computers
    but i think next monday i might take my laptop because there is free wifi :]
    hahaha thanks. yeah I love that photo, my cat wanted to clean me I guess lol. And the confession thread is pretty easy to maintain because i have no life haha.
    You did a great job with your singing :m105:. It sounded like you did Hillsong's version of Hosanna, which's one of my favourites. :m124:
    I forget the woman's name... but she did a fantastic job with that subject. Making it accessible, but really showing how much it effects gender roles, society, relationships, how little we value life... etc.

    I wish I could take a women's studies class so badly!
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