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  • T
    Yes, yes you are!

    Haha <3
    He's a hellraiser, just like you.
    In the infjs.com movie-thread.
    I also picked Jack Nicholson because he is a fucking awesome actor.
    Pardon my french.
    Someone told me once that I sounded american, and someone else told me that I had an accent.
    It depends on if I'm relaxed or not.
    Yea, but I still could brush up my grammar a bit.
    And french is.. well, I know the basics, but I don't always know when to apply them.
    I want to learn other languages too though, because I don't think you can learn enough languages.
    I was thinking of a scandinavian language or perhaps russian, but they don't really seem useful :P
    Is it possible to learn to speak a language like it is your native tongue?
    Without an accent?
    Yes, because I want to work on international level.
    Sometimes I still can't find the right words and I think that the last 2 years my english has been slowly degrading.
    I still have to read essay-like sentences 2-3 times before I understand them.
    Okay thanks for your pm :)
    Yes it's french I'm interested in, for a few reasons. (But to be honest, I'd love to master a few more.)
    I'm also interested in improving my english.
    I guess I should head out to a litterature forum and see what books they recommend me :P
    Thank you sir!
    Good day to you too!

    Edit: I went to check it out, and those courses look interesting.
    I wonder how he got started himself learning those languages if he didn't focus on grammatical structures first.
    (That's the first thing I would focus on to be honest :p)
    And have you heard of Rosetta stone? (The program)
    If you have, what's your opinion on it?
    I still asked you this in the chat:

    [0:10] pink_floyd: krumple, how do you learn new languages?
    [0:10] pink_floyd: I'm interested in refreshing my second language, and I wonder how you approach it

    Right before you left, could you help me oh wise one?
    I was thinking of reading essays and books, but then again, I'm not that advanced.
    It gives a feeling of nostalgy, doesn't it? :P
    I agree over 9000 times :p
    It's a meme on the internet, it equals infinity.
    Ever watched dragonball-z? :P
    Haha why? :D

    And Barnabas, your attire is great![/quote ]

    I ment I just completely fell in love with you after seeing your picture :D
    You are really adorable!!! lol
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