Recent content by Love_Conquers_All

  1. Love_Conquers_All

    What's the recipe for your personality?

    3 parts Giddiness 2 parts Sweetness 1 part Enchantment And a Splash of Brilliance Finish off with a little umbrella and straw
  2. Love_Conquers_All

    Enlightening Wrong Answer Game: Part 2

    It depends on if you have Gerascophobia. What is upside down, in between, right side up, and outside?
  3. Love_Conquers_All

    Men: are women worth the effort?

    We are all worth the effort, if you disagree then get over yourself. Peace, Joy, and Love to everyone.
  4. Love_Conquers_All

    What Type is BBC's Sherlock?

    After watching through season four. I believe he is ISTP don’t ask me why, it is just my instinctual intuition.
  5. Love_Conquers_All

    Pet Types!

    This is Bella she is definitely an INFJ, pretty much the same personality as me but as a horse. We bonded the first day I met her. We just seem to understand each other on a level I can’t explain. This is Amira I am not sure about her type, she is a yearling as of three days ago. So far her...
  6. Love_Conquers_All

    The Difficulty of Being a Straight Male INFJ... and having to hide it from society

    My personal experience with women is that if you are being yourself they will either like you or not. Honestly who the fuck cares. Women outnumber men so why the fuck does it matter what a few of them think when there are literally millions within your reach.
  7. Love_Conquers_All

    INFJs and careers (+hobbies & passions)

    LMFAO!!! what about BBS? Bachelor of Bull Shit :m131:
  8. Love_Conquers_All

    INFJs and careers (+hobbies & passions)

    Currently I am in school to get a BS in Recreational Therapy. I will go on from there to become an Equine Assisted Therapist. My goal is to have my own ranch where I will work with special needs children and adults as well as a program for combat veterans.
  9. Love_Conquers_All

    Answer with a quote

    Perhaps I was thinking of the old bearded turkey gobbler back in Texas who was always gobbledygobbling and strutting with ridiculous pomposity. At the end of his gobble there was a sort of gook. -Fontaine Maury Maverick, 1944
  10. Love_Conquers_All

    Describe Your Day In 5 Words: Part 2

    Flying high on eagle's wings.