INFJs and careers (+hobbies & passions)

Hello there,
I am very curious about your jobs and careers and how it's linked to your interests and hobbies. I'd like to know which professions and industries attract INFJs.
So there are some questions:

- What is your career? Is it already established or you're still in the process of figuring out what to do with yourself? Is your current job your desired job?
- What makes you interested in this career? Is your career linked to your passion(s)?
I work in international affairs with a focus on human rights. My organisation deploys experts to assist in investigations of serious crimes perpetrated in times of conflict. I'm in charge of sustaining the partnerships we have with the governments that support us and also of developing frameworks for the measurement of our impact. I think what I like about this career is the fact it forces me to step out of my intellectual bubble. It's a very comfortable bubble for me but ultimately I think I thrive and feel the best when I can share in a project with other people. Working towards a cause that I believe in, and getting to meet exciting people, are also important facets of the job for me.

Less formally I also write/conceptualise speeches and talking points for our director, which is also rewarding as I love to write and it's always nice to have them in the hands of a great speaker.

What about you?
I work in international affairs with a focus on human rights. My organisation deploys experts to assist in investigations of serious crimes perpetrated in times of conflict. I'm in charge of sustaining the partnerships we have with the governments that support us and also of developing frameworks for the measurement of our impact. I think what I like about this career is the fact it forces me to step out of my intellectual bubble. It's a very comfortable bubble for me but ultimately I think I thrive and feel the best when I can share in a project with other people. Working towards a cause that I believe in, and getting to meet exciting people, are also important facets of the job for me.

Less formally I also write/conceptualise speeches and talking points for our director, which is also rewarding as I love to write and it's always nice to have them in the hands of a great speaker.

What about you?

Hello Ren, great to see a message from you.
Does investigating serious crimes affects you somehow emotionally or you've learned how to distance from yourself from it?
It's really great to hear that you have a job that gives you, as it seems, sense of purpose. Sounds like a very complicated job but it's an amazing people to help people whose human rights has been violated.

Myself, I am still in the process of figuring out my path. I am very passionate about clothes - designing and making them but I am not sure if fashion as an industry would be a field for me... I studied theatre so I am still thinking about how I could somehow connect my background with garment-making but I have a faith that on the way, I will be able to figure that out. Currently I work in a international company that makes clothes for dancers. I have an entry position so I am doing very simple basic tasks but hopefully soon I will become a trainee seamstress. At this moment in my life, I want to focus on learning all necessary skills and then maybe try more creative positions in the future.

I guess it's never easy with choosing the right career but I hope that through all testing, experimenting and making mistakes I will find out what could make me truly fulfilled :)
My career is in IT - a very unusual position though which requires me to work with people (I agree with @Ren that this is necessary and it is intentional), develop software to automate various things and streamline work flows for the company, and do administration of several systems. It's rewarding because it is just unpredictable enough that I don't quite know what will present itself during any given day. And it is my desired job, which I just signed the offer of employment for literally 10 minutes ago, after having losing it some seven months ago. (Unusually this was predicted by astrology but seemed too ridiculous for me to take it seriously.) The best part about it is the people though and just helping them out and getting to make myself useful in some way.

As far as passions I do counseling (usually about personal and relationship problems) as well as astrology which is utilized along the same lines though it is its own learning experience altogether. Besides this I just like to ingest knowledge about a number of subjects of interest pretty constantly as there is something exciting about the process. Though my condition prevents me I'd like to step in and do something about protecting animals some day.

@Roughroughmagic, sounds like you have found your field as well - just follow your intuition and it will lead you further along the path you know you want to take. Very tempted to say "this is just the beginning" :)
Great that both of you @Ren and @jkxx found roles that push you out of your comfort zone. I can imagine that it can be very difficult sometimes, but probably is very stimulating. I really appreciate that self-awareness that you both have about what kind of tasks and environments encourage growth for you.

Yes, definitely, it's just the beginning for me! I try to stop beating up about all my mistakes and enjoy the journey of discovering my path in life.
- What is your career? Is it already established or you're still in the process of figuring out what to do with yourself? Is your current job your desired job?
- What makes you interested in this career? Is your career linked to your passion(s)?

I'm a graphic designer.
I've been doing this for 10 years now.
No, I am no longer interested in this line of work. For a few reasons; it pays horribly, graphic designers are now web designers, photographers, social media managers all in the same title and my job is constantly undermined by anyone with a pirated version of Adobe Photoshop CS5 & 6.
What initially made me interested was that I had a lot of creative energy. Though, I never truly wanted it to be a career because it took away my integrity as an artist. Unfortunately, I felt I had no other options at the time.
My career is not linked to my passion as I am no longer passionate about art & design. Instead, I'm looking to go back to school and complete a second degree in nursing because I became passionate about women's health and birthing. This feels like a more natural path to me as I enjoy helping others and I need to feel as though I'm making a positive change in the world. Graphic design has never made me feel as though I'm contributing to a greater cause.
I don't want to talk about what I do (currently nothing), but I am planning towards making myself an instrument of truth-seeking (by half for my own benefit) and helping people, but without the whole publicity stuff. I don't like being in the spotlight, even potential spotlight. It just sort of puts this pressure on me, which I couldn't handle if I weren't specificly made to do the thing expected of me (think of it as a template in my mind).

I also would like to push myself to be more among people, otherwise I'd probably not go outside unless it's necessary. The job I'm going for would be optimal. It wouldn't just force me into Fe, but also Se. It's probably the most exhausting thing I'll ever do, but if it helps people, it's going to be worth it. I'll push myself beyond my limits if I have to.
Does investigating serious crimes affects you somehow emotionally or you've learned how to distance from yourself from it?

Yes, it does affect me emotionally. You put the finger on the main "con" of the job, so to speak. And I can only imagine what it's like for the experts who are actually deployed to conflict-affected zones where the mass atrocities took place, interviewing survivors and witnesses but also risking being killed by perpetrators who want the evidence removed.
Yes, it does affect me emotionally. You put the finger on the main "con" of the job, so to speak. And I can only imagine what it's like for the experts who are actually deployed to conflict-affected zones where the mass atrocities took place, interviewing survivors and witnesses but also risking being killed by perpetrators who want the evidence removed.
Do you have to make it sound so apealing?
Hello there,
I am very curious about your jobs and careers and how it's linked to your interests and hobbies. I'd like to know which professions and industries attract INFJs.
So there are some questions:

- What is your career? Is it already established or you're still in the process of figuring out what to do with yourself? Is your current job your desired job?
- What makes you interested in this career? Is your career linked to your passion(s)?

Right now, I'm not at a job position I like.. just trying to make it meaningful enough to survive each day.

Previously I worked at an accounting office but as a RH manager, but more focused on paperwork, law and related. I have a really good mind for planning and organizing so I felt fulfilled in that sense. But there were major corporate politics in there and a lot of very weird unnecessary drama (I was the only male out of 17 employees). In a sense, I found my idealism fulfilled in making every single process easier for all my coworkers, helping the clients deal with employee issues with a very close and human touch. It felt very energizing. It was a really good job for me, but the needless drama from abusive coworkers and somewhat low pay made me quit. But I took home with me some depression, weight and gastritis hahah.

I do have plans I'm working on that have a lot to do with my passions and idealism. Once I get out of this funk, I'm going to work on that. Good projects that require the better version of myself.

just wanted to say this

I don't want to talk about what I do (currently nothing), but I am planning towards making myself an instrument of truth-seeking (by half for my own benefit) and helping people, but without the whole publicity stuff. I don't like being in the spotlight, even potential spotlight. It just sort of puts this pressure on me, which I couldn't handle if I weren't specificly made to do the thing expected of me (think of it as a template in my mind).

I also would like to push myself to be more among people, otherwise I'd probably not go outside unless it's necessary. The job I'm going for would be optimal. It wouldn't just force me into Fe, but also Se. It's probably the most exhausting thing I'll ever do, but if it helps people, it's going to be worth it. I'll push myself beyond my limits if I have to.

sounds exactly like me. Actually it hit home half way through reading it.

@Ren, courage can take many forms :)
@Ren, courage can take many forms :)

This is true! :wink: Hopefully I'm courageous in other ways.

So would you call my wanting to make such a step courageous or suicidal?

What do you mean by "such a step"? If you mean a humanitarian mission, no I don't think it's suicidal, but I would recommend pondering long and hard whether you're ready for it. It can be very stressful.
If you mean a humanitarian mission
Not exactly, but kind of.

I have thought about it actively twice now, adding up to a time span of over a year. Subconsciously, you can add a few years. I know that it might kill me, but I hope it'll be worth it.
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Not exactly, but kind of.

I have thought about it actively twice now, adding up to a time span of over a year. Subconsciously, you can add a few years. I know that it might kill me, but I hope it'll be worth it.

I hope it will be worth it as well but please don't let it kill you :coldsweat: :kissingheart:
I hope it will be worth it as well but please don't let it kill you :coldsweat: :kissingheart:
At least it is something worth dying for and that is what matters. I'll do my best. I don't want to make anyone suffer the burden of my premature death. :)

Not to mention the funeral costs, and other arrangements. Gosh, I think I'm going to have to write my will. But who will want my books? I don't want them to be sold off to some stranger... :unhappy:
Currently I am in school to get a BS in Recreational Therapy. I will go on from there to become an Equine Assisted Therapist. My goal is to have my own ranch where I will work with special needs children and adults as well as a program for combat veterans.
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Currently I am in school to get a BS in Recreational Therapy.
Even though it is a perfectly reasonable abbreviation, I'd rather say Bachelor of Science than have the option in play of it being interpreted as bullshit. Some may even recognise a connotation of these terms. Academia sucks sometimes.
Hello there,
I am very curious about your jobs and careers and how it's linked to your interests and hobbies. I'd like to know which professions and industries attract INFJs.
So there are some questions:

- What is your career? Is it already established or you're still in the process of figuring out what to do with yourself? Is your current job your desired job?
- What makes you interested in this career? Is your career linked to your passion(s)?

First of all, I'd like to say that you're giving a really good question. When it comes to jobs, careers, interests, a better question for me would be, " what you haven't tried? " because guess what? I have tried quite a lot of things!

Right now I'm about to be hired in a big company, but I don't like big, structured companies. However, the one in which I'll be working as a developer will have a startup culture and really friendly atmosphere, so not only I'll be able to take initiative and responsibility, I'll also be able to to pursue different interests at the same time. Is it my dream job/career? Not at all and here's why:

1. I'd like to work on my own ideas, dreams and ambitions, therefore I see myself in the future working for myself. This will act as a good stepping stone though.
2. I don't believe in team spirit. I'm more of a " do it your own way " kind of guy.
3. Even though I enjoy the company of other people and I like being involved with others, I still require some privacy and there I won't have much of that.

Is it linked to my passions? Well, I love learning and studying, so I'll be able to do that just fine. Also, It will be required of me to take initiative and more responsibility, so I'll be more than happy to challenge myself.