Hello there,
I am very curious about your jobs and careers and how it's linked to your interests and hobbies. I'd like to know which professions and industries attract INFJs.
So there are some questions:
- What is your career? Is it already established or you're still in the process of figuring out what to do with yourself? Is your current job your desired job?
- What makes you interested in this career? Is your career linked to your passion(s)?
I am very curious about your jobs and careers and how it's linked to your interests and hobbies. I'd like to know which professions and industries attract INFJs.
So there are some questions:
- What is your career? Is it already established or you're still in the process of figuring out what to do with yourself? Is your current job your desired job?
- What makes you interested in this career? Is your career linked to your passion(s)?