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  • because the dentists want you to keep your teeth so that they can make money working on them.

    It is a conspiracy!
    That, love, is subjective.

    Some say I have been naughty, others nice

    What do you think? ;)

    S/n: I downloaded Audacity
    Hi,It sure has:I am kinda intermittent,like that,so if I am hybernating and you wish to know something,or other,feel free to ask...If I recall You are where the beaches are warm and sandy all winter long,in Quebec...!...I'm in another truly northern place,which just got dumped on,and quick frozen.Gotta love it,or cry a lot.Since,I'm burned out on crying,I think I'll just love it(the snow,and cold)and remember to compare it to heavy manual labor under a tropical sun@100 degrees.Not to worry.No negative past cause for the above.7:00 appt.Gotta go for now...=) Heart
    I Loves you too ^^

    And it looks like a hurt/sad face. I likey.

    I am in the midst of torturing myself studying history and Organic chemistry. blegh.

    What have you been up to?
    Hi Royal:Nice to hear from you!I just re-read your"about me"section,and upon quick reflection,determined that your choice of screen name was based on your being,uh,er,uh,well,you know:Royal...=)..Could'nt help noticing your type listed,is now ESF-P,rather than EST-P.I'm finding that very interesting in view of the initial back and forth banter in which we engaged(months,ago)seems,to me,to fit either type's style,perfectly.What do you think/feel,about that?(ooo,that's a loaded,trick-question)but really?...curious infj,I am....
    Since the day we stoled them from team rocket :D

    Also us squirtles make up the real ninja mutant turtles.
    Protect all you want! you will eventually run out of PP and will faint. Besides..we throw dynamites..protect yourself from that!! xDD.
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