I don't give up because bad things happen. I will only give up because it's the rational thing to do. However, the rational thing to do here is to simply not put any effort into unless things happen to fall into place. Greatest reward for the smallest amount of work. That is how humans work, I believe.
I am currently having a wonderful time with an x-girlfriend of mine. See, she was very immature. If anything ever went wrong, she would completely ignore it and hope it would go away. That is how she dealt with everything. You can't do that with relationships. So sunday when she messaged me again for the first time in two months, I decided to bring it up again. Well, what do you know, she completely ignored it. So I pressed it on her. Then she started ignoring me. Now, I'm having a blast testing her. Im messaging her the same exact text, every time I pick up my phone(i text often). It's forcing her to confront the issue. She either has to tell me she is willing to accept talking about it, and work through our problems, or she tells me to leave her the hell alone and I never have to deal with her again. Its a win win situation! Even better, i love copy paste spamming texts :3