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  • lol btw enjoyed your vocaroo response to the singing thread $ i found your voice melodious and harmonic. its a sad thing when a forum is mad at those who don't take it seriously, probably cause they do which i can understand, but at the same time fun is just as important and i do think people take themselves too seriously for the most part. either way i'm in boring neutral :1
    yep i don't use aim all that much either, just when i check my mail it automatically logs me in but its the only instant messager i have. which thread are you talking about? i wanna see (:
    Dear god.
    What a silly picture.

    I took it down because I want to play hard to get.
    rofl you get infractions for stuff like that? with 6 of 7 not wastin much time are ya? well tis a shame, i'd say those that don't get your humor probably take things a bit too seriously. SSB was epic btw, one of my fav games i think i played it for gamecube. well hey if you do get banned don't be afraid to look me up on aim sometime, take care and goodluck to ya
    I'm not a Cannibal Corpse song.

    No thanks.
    I youtubed that, and the result was not very metal.
    I'm disappointed. :(
    This depends on what metal you listen to.

    And I'm not being mean. :(
    FFFFUUUU- I had my speakers at maximum and my parents were in the room next to me.
    Damn you.
    This could never have worked anyway.
    My hatred for justin bieber-fans is too big.
    I don't like rollercoasters :(
    And if you throw water at me, please don't aim for the eyes.

    Your imagination is way better than mine by the way.
    Most welcome. :D
    I do agree though. Most of the human race are so guilty of narcissim.
    you know the absence of mickey D's is probably a good thing, we are a fat fat country lol but yep im from ny actually.

    ok well i don't know what SSB is but between the two n64 zeldas i'd suggest majoras mask only bc it is a huge game, hard to beat but very fun at least for me. its a difficult concept but you actually reset time everytime you complete a quest or something because you only have 3 days to do everthing you need to do. beyond the main story line there's ton to do, so yeah i'd recommend that and if you get stuck theres tons of online tips for cheaters like me lol, its the only way i got all of the masks.

    so how are you liking the forums so far? have you been on other forums before? this is like the first one for me, though i think it's a really good one in terms of staff and upkeep and stuff. i actually have a younger sister who's enfp, you seem much more polite than her lol, though i think that just goes with the territory of being a sibling.
    haha you know i haven't played the wii yet! i've been wanting to quite badly a friend of mine has one so i'll havta get over there and check it out. as far as me dressing up i would probably wear something like this, check it out

    this guy seems a bit emoish for me but i like the hoodie lol. well i played the link to the past on snes and also majoras mask and ocarina of time for n64, i still play them actually you can download them for your computer, theyre called nintendo 64 emulators, and the games are called roms its a pretty fun way to play oldschool games from older systems.

    so i've never been to quebec though i've been to toronto, whats it like living there? does everyone speak french? i think i heard that somewhere b4, not sure though.
    For your point in the thread 'Abortion', did you know that one of the main critics that the book 'The Evolution of Species' by Darwin received was with regards to the fact that he talked about the humans as simply nothing more than the animals instead of what the people were used for, putting them on a pedestal?

    Your point, along with Peppermint's, just reminded me of that.
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