Recent content by Mannit

  1. Mannit

    Volunteer experience?

    Hey guys haven't been back in a while...there are a few new people around! Well I volunteer with St Vincent de Paul and Edmund Rice Camps. I'm part of the Vinnies "Youth Crew" where the major thing we do is organise and attend "Buddies Days". On Buddies Days we take out a group of...
  2. Mannit

    Aussie Fires

    Shai is fine, he lives at the other end of the country.
  3. Mannit

    Aussie Fires

    This is heartbreaking.
  4. Mannit

    How do you feel about Public Speaking.

    I relate to you 100%. I LOVE public speaking. I still get really nervous, but once words begin to come out of my mouth my nerves go away completely. Some of my most enjoyable and fulfulling moments in high school happened during the interschool debating competition.
  5. Mannit

    Aussie Fires

    yeah, I live in Townsville, which has had flooding, but isn't as bad as some of the surrounding areas. Ingham has been the worst affected, as well as a few other places.. anyway because of all the rain we've been been pretty much cut off from everywhere else...our supermarket shelves are almost...
  6. Mannit

    Aussie Fires

    It is horrible. This non-stop torrential rain here doesn't seem very bad, when you read that the death toll from the Victoria fires has now reached 84. My thoughts and prayers are with everyone down there :(
  7. Mannit

    So ashamed, but I need to tell this story...

    Black Swan, I'm very sorry for your loss. You handled the whole situation showing love and compassion. You showed her your love, and recieved hers in return. You didn't do anything wrong, and have nothing to be ashamed for.
  8. Mannit

    Total life realization yesterday: INFJ thing?

    That's a great ambition Obstinate, hope high school gets even a little easier for you :)
  9. Mannit


    I do. My dad is a recovered alcoholic, used to be very addicted to gambling, is trying to quit smoking, and even gets addicted to things like solitaire on the computer, his favourite TV show, even AFL (he gets cranky when footy season is over). There are varying effects depending on the...
  10. Mannit

    infjs generally know more about themselves than any other type

    I have to really agree with you there. so true.
  11. Mannit

    What is the highest level of math you have taken?

    you crazy crazy crazy person!
  12. Mannit

    Do INFJ's somehow appear to be cold?

    haha wow that's so true. he'd probably think I am even stranger if I were to say that heheh
  13. Mannit

    Do INFJ's somehow appear to be cold?

    I was feeling great today, until this guy asked if I was alright because he said I looked "bored". Yeah I think the cold/bored/distant look is kinda common.
  14. Mannit


    One of my best friends is an ESFP. She's great fun, and a really good person.