Do INFJ's somehow appear to be cold?

I have done many many tests and they all turn out INFJ. From personal experience, I think people often misunderstand me and so they perceive me as cold or being difficult. There are few people who understand but many who do not. I often get disinterested when people talk about things like what beautiful bags or shoes they buy, what stocks they are buying or selling, the details of their skiing.... etc. I will try hard to listen but somehow it feels like I am listening but not really absorbing what they are saying. But when people talk to me about how they feel, when they share with me their thoughts, ideas, philosophies, emotions, experiences, I become interested and easily drawn to the conversation. It really depends on how the other people are. I am usually perceived as quiet, not because I don't enjoy talking. I actually like to talk and share things with others but I am quiet and hence "cold" when I know the other party probably won't understand or be interested in what I say. Sometimes, it's also for self-protection if I know the other party is likely going to gossip or slander. It's like there's a lot you want to share, a lot that you care about but not many people you feel truly safe to confide in. And when you do, you tend to wear your emotions on your sleeve such that people find you unprofessional, too emotional, too sensitive, too difficult, etc, etc. You then learn to keep it to yourself until you find someone who really understands, someone you can trust which takes time.
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I'm a 4w3 enneagram, which translates to much more sociable and giddy than your average INFJ. However, I'm still far more conservative than most of my friends.
Im a 4 on the enneagram as well
I've been told this my entire life.
"When I first saw you I thought you were a bitch, and then I met you and you totally arn't"
I've always gave off a cold demeanor when I am not smiling. When I smile though its so big and goofy no one really takes it seriously.
However, like I said I have had people claim being intimidating but its only because I look so serious.
I will try hard to listen but somehow it feels like I am listening but not really absorbing what they are saying.

You just put into words how I feel too.
You know I just went back and started doing some more enneagram research, thank you satya for reminding me and i am blown away at how it seems all of my favorite muscians and more famous actors are 4's. I am officalialy a 4w3.
I hate how depressing it is. It is true, but gosh it is depressing.
Eric Clapton, Jim Morrison, Anne Lennox, Stevi Nicks, Alanis Morresette AND JONI MITCHELL???? That is just too much for me.
I've loved Anne Rice since I was 14 and too young to be reading it! And Angelina Jolie Are you serious???

In high school and even in college I've always been the weird one who was obbsesed with some of those artists, is it bad to consider that a cosmic sign/connection???
You just put into words how I feel too.

Yup, that's how it is. Although I think we can try to overcome that or reduce the misunderstanding by exercising more of our empathy in relating to others even in things that just don't seem too interesting to us. It's like if somebody is trying to be friendly by talking about how great a shopping experience she has, even though I don't have much to comment or say in response, I can use my empathy to appreciate her intention and what she was saying.

I have also been perceived as too serious. Some people tend to tell me to smile, which I don't like too much (not because I am really this grumpy and angry) but I find it rather superficial to just smile at all times even when I am just being neutral, and feel sort of misunderstood. Usually I look serious when I am too focused in my work and being too much of a perfectionalist, which brings forth good work but at the same time induces a lot of stress. As a result, I get burned out easily.. I do think that my INFJ personality describes me quite well but I also think that a personality is not necessarily rigid. We can try to identify what our individual weaknesses are, how to overcome or minimize them and improve on our strengths at the same time.
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(~!warning!~ I've been drinking and It's hit or miss on whatever I say)

In my relationships I'm constantly accused of not speaking my mind. My ex would CONSTANTLY (when we were alone I'm talking every 5 minutes or LESS) ask me what was on my mind if I wasn't talking. She would say "you look like you're mad" and I honestly wasn't. I wouldn't know how to articulate my thoughts (wich bounce around from imagining ninjas on the roof of the store down the block to how her relationship with baby daddy might affect "us") and I would say "I dont know" or "It's hard to describe."

As time went by I'd start to convey my thoughts as best as I could at the moment, alwayse with "I don't know if this will come across as I mean it." And often I would replay the conversation in my head and out of the blue in another conversation make finer points about what i meant.

When I say as time went by I mean the interactions we had in that time: she would show some vulnerabilities, or insecurities and I would reciprocate.

I'm not a woman as you specified in your question so I DONT have insight into that perspective, but I can relate to being cold (or reserved) and also to being warm (or trusting/open).

As far as what you get from this forum, anonymity has to play a big role, The fact that people over the internet are so many degrees removed and I suspect we all found this forum because we seek greater insight puts us in a place unique from face to face interactions that allow us to convey ourselves as we want or not as we please.

As usual the ESTP is completely opposite ... I'm like the village idiot, more often than not I'm smiling. Seriously I get that a lot: 'Why are you always smiling?" or "What's so funny?"

I wish I was more like that... :) I'm often viewed as quiet, serious, reserved, aloof/detached.. and socially oblivious (aloof?). And I don't really like that perception - especially the "oblivious", because I feel that I am often really not. Whereas people who are always smiling seem so easily approachable and seem to have an easier time socially.
I will try hard to listen but somehow it feels like I am listening but not really absorbing what they are saying. But when people talk to me about how they feel, when they share with me their thoughts, ideas, philosophies, emotions, experiences, I become interested and easily drawn to the conversation. It really depends on how the other people are.

This happens to me a lot when I am tired. I can't keep track of what someone is saying. And lately it seems to be happening even when I'm not too tired. I don't know if I'm just zonked out by being around so many people all the time, or if it's something else.

I'm not sure about how the "social banter" conversations vs. more meaningful topics of conversation affects this for me. But I totally understand what you mean.
Aloofness is actually working quite well for me right now. I don't mind if people find me a bit aloof because it prevents them from telling me too much drivel - ear, heart and soul piercing drivel. I'm done with it as much as humanly possible. When I was young I left myself wide open and I was very approachable. And I got hurt and assaulted every time I turned around! Now that I'm older I'm managing to balance it better with likeability but a certain aloofness! LOL
Infjs do come across as cold or detached. I've noticed this in myself as I work in social services, and often find myself wondering if I need to be more demonstrative in my concerned feelings for others as my co-workers easily do. Co-workers have often commented to me that I come off as tough and even "thuggish" but that really I'm a "softie." I think maybe, (from what I've observed in myself) Infjs aren't usually touchy-feely, though they demonstrate their concern through action-- making altruistic sacrifices or giving generously without needing to be thanked for it. This makes sense, when you take into consideration the J function, as it is the J function that is concerned with stability and structure and action. So it makes sense to me that through the infjs' quiet, reserved concern, compassion is best expressed through DOING something to bring about a change or express an emotion of caring..

Also, someone else said something about taking another's words at face-value. Something about someone's gf telling them she wanted nothing for her birthday and so he literally got her nothing as she said she really just wanted a nice memory.. I totally identify with that. Though I've read that infj is the type that is a strongly intuitive type adept at non-verbal communication and metaphor-- I am absolutely daft when a person hints at their wants and needs to me, I personally need direct communication in situations such as those..
The only three things I've ever been called [directly to my face] are: overly emotional, ultra sensitive, and weird [but in a "good way"].
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I know I can be quite frank at times to people especially when I'm stressed. This is probably because I don't feel like putting the energy into being tactful if it's not important to me at that time. Pair that with being quiet most of the time and it can come across as being cold/snobby unfortunately.
I know I can be quite frank at times to people especially when I'm stressed. This is probably because I don't feel like putting the energy into being tactful if it's not important to me at that time. Pair that with being quiet most of the time and it can come across as being cold/snobby unfortunately.


If I am in a decent mood at the time though, and someone who I think is cool, that I don't know, talk to me. I will be extra friendly to them :)
The only three things I've ever been called [directly to my face] are: overly emotional, ultra sensitive, and weird [but in a "good way"].

People who are weird "in a good way", are awesome!

I know I can be quite frank at times to people especially when I'm stressed. This is probably because I don't feel like putting the energy into being tactful if it's not important to me at that time. Pair that with being quiet most of the time and it can come across as being cold/snobby unfortunately.

When I don't smile, I get accused of being a "stuck up b!tch". Which really reaally hurts my feelings. For one thing.. I'm not stuck up. Anyone who really knows me knows I'm the opposite of stuck up. For another, when you get to know me, I'm really very nice. Too nice, to my own detriment.
So I over-compensate now. I smile like an idiot all the time. It's insane the difference it makes with people.

I can say the rudest, bluntest thing now, but if I have a sweet smile on my face, all is forgiven. I'm actually a lot meaner than I used to be, but more popular because I *seem* friendlier. Heh, people are weird to me.
I def. have had cases where people have thought of me as "stuck up", though I don't think ridiculously frequently. I suppose it's the "way I carry myself" as a lot of people like to tell me.

There is an intense, serious side to me as well, which I think people feel from me. But there is also a giggly, smiley side too---people tend to ask me, "Jenny, why are you so smiley?" or "Why are you so happy?" even on days when i'm really really annoyed. May be it's my smile of irony that does the trick.

Nonetheless, people generally do get the vibe that i'm not a completely open book that desires to know and love everyone. That doesn't mean that I don't appear nice though---in my hs, I was always known as the "nice" "sweet girl." I think people just take me more seriously...
There was some quote floating around about IN types and coldness
and I remember the INFJ being cold on the outside, but warm and fuzzy on the inside. I think I may appear to be cold, especially if I'm nervous...I'm not a nervous smiler...I'm a nervous brooder. Once i'm comfortable, and I start smiling (or giggling...with a select group of 2) then people don't think I'm cold anymore. But I think even when INFJs appear cold, we're still gentle. There is rough cold, but there can be a gentle cold too...I think.
I can be cold though, especially when I am deep in thought, and I don't want to be disturbed...and someone keeps poking at me.
It has only started to really hit home with me recently how much I push people away with my aloofness. I ask myself why people aren't attracted to me, when in reality most people are warmer towards me than I am with them. I usually give the people I get to know a little disclaimer about how I really like them in spite of me being a social cripple, but I now realize that this disclaimer is not a substitute for being affectionate.
I was feeling great today, until this guy asked if I was alright because he said I looked "bored". Yeah I think the cold/bored/distant look is kinda common.
I was feeling great today, until this guy asked if I was alright because he said I looked "bored". Yeah I think the cold/bored/distant look is kinda common.

The appropriate response would be:

"I apologize ...Inside I am a seething mass of emotions and if they crack my mask I will explode all over the place."