Recent content by Matty

  1. Matty

    Word Association [Part Nine]

  2. Matty

    Trump will win again

    Far out, don't they have media advisors? It's almost like they're trying to be perceived as childish losers.
  3. Matty

    Trump will win again

    The little news I consume has made a very strong impression on me: Trump seems determined to substantially start delivering on all his campaign promises quickly. I'm used to hearing promises like cancellation of student debt, or the building of nuclear power plants, which never seem to...
  4. Matty

    Word Association [Part Nine]

  5. Matty

    Word Association [Part Nine]

  6. Matty

    Your word for the day you have watched or read about.

    Electret Analogous to permanent magnets, which maintain a constant magnetic field, electrets maintain a constant electric field. They're produced in a similar way that magnets are produced. A non conductive material, like a polymer is melted, and placed in a very strong electric field while...
  7. Matty

    No Scientific Evidence but Anybody Ever Think May be Homo Sapiens Consciousness Has Purposes?

    Descartes didn't resolve the the question of the nature of reality, but just grabbed onto a type of certainty. He is only relevant to people plagued with deep scepticism about reality. The entire concern has no impact on one's character, actions, values, etc. Practicality, morality, and...
  8. Matty

    Trump will win again

    I don't get the pseudo moral grandstanding in US politics. If someone has committed a crime, the courts can administer punishment. Until the courts punish, and even after punishment has been served, if someone can do a job, he should be able to do it. Applying this to the question of...
  9. Matty

    Trump will win again

    I don't get why that youtuber is so keen for the democrats to reform themselves into left wing populists. What has happened is that the democrats have made themselves into corporate elitists, and the republicans have made themselves into anti establishment populists. The youtuber should...
  10. Matty

    What Are You Listening To Right Now (Part 15)

    I looked up this song after hearing a snippet of it. It's so weird.
  11. Matty

    Trump will win again

    Do you think it was a negotiation tactic? When gaetz was nominated, I immediately thought Trump was using a "big ask" or "extreme demand" negotiation move.
  12. Matty

    Why is showing false kindness so draining?

    Good people aren't inconsiderate: they both pay attention to others' comfort/discomfort, and are considerate to not cause discomfort. A lot of people are just good at playing a "good person persona."
  13. Matty

    Trump will win again

    I'm getting very annoyed with some of the reactions coming out of the US. Those in the media and political "establishment", who weren't in favour of Trump have used some extreme goose-stepping rhetoric against him for years. Now some of the same people seem to be offended that Trump is...
  14. Matty

    Why is showing false kindness so draining?

    Resignation to negative situations cultivates depression. "Being nice" can be, as you note, sincere affection, or submission to threats. I presume you feel that if you dropped the pretense of interest in your workplace narcissist coworkers, you'd worry about unjust consequences. Generally...
  15. Matty

    Trump will win again

    Keep in mind, Trump was a Democrat and donated to them until relatively recently. Bernie Sanders recently commented that the Democrats USED to be the party for workers, implying that the parties have switched. It seems like the Republicans used to be the party of the wealthy and businessmen...