Recent content by Matty | INFJ Forum

Recent content by Matty

  1. Matty


    People who ignore etiquette are usually rude and up themselves. Queue cutters, soup slurpers, cough-in-your-face people, bare feet on plane people, loud in front of women belchers, etc are generally all assholes. I've never actually seen weaponised etiquette outside of fiction/movies, and those...
  2. Matty


    This thread convinces me of my initial impression, that overthinking is a reflection of people's aversion to making mistakes, driven by either not wanting to think of themselves as imperfect, or not wanting others to think one is imperfect. The setting aside of both ego and the desire for...
  3. Matty

    Word Association [Part Nine]

  4. Matty

    Word Association [Part Nine]

  5. Matty

    Word Association [Part Nine]

  6. Matty

    Word Association [Part Nine]

  7. Matty

    Word Association [Part Nine]

  8. Matty

    Word Association [Part Nine]

  9. Matty

    Word Association [Part Nine]

  10. Matty

    Word Association [Part Nine]

  11. Matty

    Word Association [Part Nine]

  12. Matty

    [INFJ] Reflecting on a faded friendship

    Some of the things you mentioned are similar to what I've experienced with a relative. He and I were friends, but as he got older he became more self absorbed and ultimately repellant to be around. I have always had and still have a sense of loyalty to my relative, and a desire to rekindle the...
  13. Matty

    Word Association [Part Nine]

  14. Matty

    Trump will win again

    I don't think "the establishment" will permit Trump to win. The number of frivolous lawfare cases against him makes it seem like his opposition isn't even interested in appearing to be interested in the democratic process. My opinion may be skewed, but at the very least, no one is doing much...
  15. Matty


    Maybe overthinking is partly an aversion to future regret. That's to say, a reluctance to make the wrong decision in light of having to deal with the decision later on. This would be a self reinforcing paralysis to make decisions, because the more reluctant one is to make any decision, the...