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  • Stay outa mah head! Stealing words and what not

    But I already analyzed you; you're awesome! Now you don't have to knock yourself out trying to analyze yourself.

    I'll gladly give you some snow. I despise the white stuff after Christmas. I could use some southern heat!
    Is it school stress? But I'm glad you're doing pretty good. I'm miffed that it's supposed to start snowing tonight and not stop til thursday. It's going to be a hell of a walk across campus the next few days.

    *dive-tackle hugs*
    Last Dawn wishes that Midnight Melody has a fabulous day and may peace be upon her:hug:
    Cool! Glad you approve; I thought it was awesome! ^_^

    And I'm doing well, thanks. Just finished some final(ish) paperwork in regards to funding for my student loans. That stuff is so stressful to me! I'm so glad I'm done with this part!! :D
    Boo! Go get to whoring!

    (but I'm mighty curious as to what you wanted to rep)
    Thank you! :D I'm hoping it's not going to go to waste -- I'm going to apply for a double major with animation being one of them, and I'm super excited. It's been a long time since I've felt inspired, but I'm beginning to feel the old pull again!

    And it's never too late to get started with art ;) I'm self-taught; you can do it!
    Huh? Talk about what?
    I don't have the slightest idea what you're saying.
    Bam, your audience just grew by one.

    We should make twin power rings or something, so that if they ever united they'd become super powerful and awesometastic.
    Can I come live with you?
    Mac n Cheese is mah favorite. I'll eat it all, from Kraft and Walmart brand to decedent home made. My stomach ain't picky.
    Ham beats turkey any day hands down!
    Please tell me you had mac n cheese *crosses fingers*

    My food was pretty delicious, and I got sent home with leftovers!
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