Recent content by Minerva

  1. Minerva

    Thank you! I know that I’m almost a month late in thanking you, but I didn’t check my comments...

    Thank you! I know that I’m almost a month late in thanking you, but I didn’t check my comments until now. Sorry! *sweatdrop* Anyway, thanks for the birthday wishes! :)
  2. Minerva

    No, you're not too picky. I didn't get past the second book in the Wheel of Time. *sweatdrop*...

    No, you're not too picky. I didn't get past the second book in the Wheel of Time. *sweatdrop* Hmm...Okay, for you, I'd recommend His Dark Materials by Philip Pullman and The Bartimaeus Trilogy by Jonathan Stroud. HDM has lots of religion/soul analysis, cool battle/suspense scenes, and you...
  3. Minerva

    The Path Test

    1. You are walking down a PATH. Describe it. It’s in a forest. There’s hard dirt floor beneath me and green leaves with sunlight filtering through above me. 2. Alongside of the path are some TREES. What are they like? Most of them are tall oak and maple trees; only a few are saplings. They...
  4. Minerva

    The Path Test

    [COLOR=#1f497d][FONT=Times New Roman][SIZE=3][COLOR=black]Here are the game
  5. Minerva

    Ooh, I love making recommendations! I read so much, though, that it's difficult to say just one...

    Ooh, I love making recommendations! I read so much, though, that it's difficult to say just one or two random books to a random person. What are some of your fave books? If I know what you like it'll be easier for me to recommend something to you. :)
  6. Minerva

    Why it sucks to be an INFJ

    I don't know about the rest of you, but these are issues for me: 1) People in general constantly disappoint me with their lack of integrity. 2) My outlook on some things is so unusual that no one can relate to it. 3) Nobody can tell when I just need a hug...or, if they can, they don't give me...
  7. Minerva

    What were you like as a child/adolescent?

    I always loved to read and learn new words. I still do. :) As a child, I was very lonely. At first, I was hyper, loud, and tried to make friends, but no one seemed to like me. They called me "weird" and made fun of me. Even the nice kids that I could tell WANTED to befriend me wouldn't do so...
  8. Minerva

    INFJs - do you tease?

    And the litter box...and Rosie...Geez, those poor objects! XD The chair one sounds really funny. :D I joke all of the time (even with people that I don't know well) by making puns or ironic remarks. However, teasing implies insulting someone. I do jokingly insult people, but I have to know...
  9. Minerva

    Just stopping by to say, "I love you!" *hugs*

    Just stopping by to say, "I love you!" *hugs*
  10. Minerva

    If You Could, Would You?

    Nope. I love myself the way that I am!
  11. Minerva

    INFJ, The Manipulator?

    I agree, and I am both…when I want to be. Normally, I just say whatever I want however I want to and anyone that doesn’t like it can just deal with it! If it’s a delicate/important topic, then I present it in the way that’ll be best received. I'll state honest facts, but I'll pretend that I'm...
  12. Minerva


    Wish I could help, but I've NEVER been shy. My sister was, but she started to grow out of it once she began attending school. I guess that means you should take everyone's suggestions about getting a public job; being forced to interact seemed to help my sis.
  13. Minerva

    Does INFJ = ADHD?

    I'm sure most of you will disagree, but I don't believe in ADD/ADHD. Someone having such a fast-moving brain that they are easily bored/distracted, or someone being hyper, doesn't strike me as a DISORDER. There isn't something WRONG with those kinds of people; it's just a quirk/characteristic...
  14. Minerva

    What's awesome about being an INFJ

    Most of all, I love knowing myself. I've always understood who I am, where I stand, and what I want out of life. There are so many people that I know that are clueless about what they do/don't like, and what direction they want their life to go in, and how they feel about many issues. I am SO...
  15. Minerva

    Arguing Style Test

    Oh dear, I got 59...THAT isn't good! I admit that I'm very bad about holding grudges. I don't bring them up in arguments where they aren't relevant, but they still bother me on the inside. I'm very good about being respectful during an argument (I don't swear, or strike where I know it hurts.)...