INFJs - do you tease?

Do you tease to show affection?

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Teasing is one of the ways I communicate to people that, 'We're cool' or 'I like you'.

I only tease people I'm cool that way with though, so I'll never tease someone I don't know well or feel uncomfortable with. Obviously if I want to keep distance between myself and someone, I will avoid teasing that altogether.

For me, teasing can be:
- Jumping out to scare someone
- Just plain picking on them (kind making fun of them in a silly way)
- Having a few lines I always use on them - usually an inside joke between us
* Very very rarely does this ever include physical teasing (poking or tickling)

How about you other INFJs?
I'm kind of the same way with teasing. What I do is I find some known fault or insecurity in one of my friends, then turn it into something that is humorous, and the friend generally enjoy it. However, my favorite target, I can't tell if deep down he enjoys it, or if I truly terrify him. With this one, I exploit his homophobia by flirting with him, and watching him run away and scream like a little girl. :m179:
I "tease" very light heartadly, in ways I mostly find funny. I also only do it with very close friends and no one else.

Examples of things I have done (at least ones that come to mind):

I took random objects that I found at the front desk (staplers, bags of popcorn, the bell telephone, pens, a ink filler, ect), and photocopied them and left the papers in my PA's (my boss) mailbox.

At my friends house, I pulled all the loose airvents out of the floor and turned them upside down next to the hole in the floor.

I filled a plastic bag with air and put it under my friends office chair seat cover, so when she sat down on it, it popped, and she screamed.
I would never want someone to feel like they are being put down by me, so I do tease but it is done mainly to make the person laugh and so that they know I am joking. Also, the teasing is never sexual, or at least, it isn't yet and probably will never be.
Hmm... I haven't really felt comfortable enough with someone to tease them in a while. I've been pretty isolated. Although I have played some pranks similar to Indigo's while I was in school.

During 8th grade, we'd have home room immediately followed by 1st period. The teachers would stand outside their classroom doors watching the majority of students socialize in the hallways, leaving the very few of us who sat at our desks in class unattended.

I had a large classroom, with one chalkboard at the head of the class and another on the far right wall. My homeroom/1st period teacher had a tendency to write a tremendous amount of information on the board, erase it, and then continue writing.

I evenly distributed the erasers between the two chalkboards. Then began hiding one eraser a day, beginning with the place where he did most of his writing. There eventually came a time when he couldn't find an eraser when he needed one.

I still remember his reaction when he reached for an eraser and couldn't find one, then had to go half-way across the room to grab one from the other chalkboard.

He went searching for and found the rest of the erasers after that, but still, it was an fun interruption.

I also have a friend who hates the smell of lavender, so I bring him bouquets of it on occasion.
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Hahaha! I'm more of a tease-baiter. It seems like I'm always looking for ways to set someone up for their own irresistible need to tease or irresistable need to tear away at the bait-like crazy idea.

So I'll say something with an absurdity to it that they just won't be able to resist going after, and at that point, I just go even deeper into the crazy idea, insisting that they do not understand by explaining it even more thoroughly, which only provokes them further. At some point in this little game, I will be practically going crazy with laughter, I suppose not only at their expense for being baited, but at my expense for their words to lash out at me for thinking of the initial absurdity...
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I love teasing people. But only in gentle, light hearted, non-offensive ways. That's my little way of saying "Oh yeah, I think you're awesome." :nod:

When I say take it all off, I mean it.
No jokes.
I tease alot but people cant tell when im teasing or being serious. It is a nice attribute of mine.
I chose the 'no' answer because it resulted in me chuckling but otherwise I can't really decide if I tease or not. I've wondered this lately because I find if someone is consistently teasing then I get a little irritated. I was recently surrounded by colleagues who went hard on the teasing with each other for an hour -- I couldn't get an original word in edgewise.
But... as usual, after digesting a few infj responses and reflecting, I can recognize that I suppose I will throw a few teasing remarks out in an effort to form a buddy-buddy vibe.
- is now dead. Anomaly ran slant over with a semi-truck-
I have one friend in particular whom my group of friends and I often tease because it's just so easy. We love doing impressions of her and poking fun at her weird habits. But sometimes my comments take on a cold, critical edge and I end apologizing because I don't (consciously) mean to hurt her feelings. I have to be acutely aware of myself to stop myself from doing it.

You see, I use to date this friend and she broke my heart. So sometimes I end up taking bitter jabs at her. I know she's still my friend but I was in shambles for months and she doesn't seem the least bit sad. I know! I know! It's not a nice thing to do. I've stopped for the most part. I'm ashamed that I acted that way and try to keep my teasing good natured. :m107:
teasing is a form of ridicule no matter if u meant it jokingly, i try not to tease full stop 2 prevent hurting any1s feelings and to appear serious and adult.

however i imitate annoying ppl who do annoying things so i contradict myself here and say i show iritation through teasing, the rest r under control
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No, I don't.

On the few occasions that I've ever tried to, it usually backfires in my face. People think that I'm being serious, or mean, yadda yadda yadda, so it pretty much stops me wanting to do it again.

I tend to be quite sensitive to teasing either, and rarely find it comfortable. Boo hoo and all that.
I'm pretty much the teaser in my team. I take all of their unglam shots, tease everyone and get teased back of course, nothing hold back. all sorts of jokes including at them and sexual jokes. We all get it that its in good fun though so its ok...i think :m083:
sometimes, though I suck at it (I know what to say, I just don't know HOW to say it), and most people don't get what I say (a great lack of analysis capacity, really)
I "tease" very light heartadly, in ways I mostly find funny. I also only do it with very close friends and no one else.

Examples of things I have done (at least ones that come to mind):

I took random objects that I found at the front desk (staplers, bags of popcorn, the bell telephone, pens, a ink filler, ect), and photocopied them and left the papers in my PA's (my boss) mailbox.

At my friends house, I pulled all the loose airvents out of the floor and turned them upside down next to the hole in the floor.

I filled a plastic bag with air and put it under my friends office chair seat cover, so when she sat down on it, it popped, and she screamed.

And the litter box...and Rosie...Geez, those poor objects! XD
The chair one sounds really funny. :D

I joke all of the time (even with people that I don't know well) by making puns or ironic remarks. However, teasing implies insulting someone. I do jokingly insult people, but I have to know them REALLY well in order to do it because people tend to take what I say seriously and I don't want to offend anyone. I only tease individuals that I'm confident know me well enough to realise that I mean no offense.