Motor Jax
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  • Hey, MJ! :D And thank you - I'm glad I can help out in a few spots. :) I'm glad you're feeling better spiritually, and things are going well with you. Sometimes it just takes us having time away so we can balance out our lives better. And I would love to meet up again in the future. Lol - maybe this time I could try meeting you further north so you don't have to come this far down. Gainesville, perhaps.
    are you back for real? you should come to the tinychat:

    because I know you have skype capabilites n it was fun talkin with you that one time with the gar.


    and I makin you a wb thread.
    **runs, jumps, and pounces on MJ** Where have you been?!!! I wondered about you and was hoping that you were doing well. Are you?! **hugs and lots of love** You've been missed!
    interesting! I'll have to remember un drapeau is NOT what I think it is around here! However, I must ask, where did that come from?
    I play WoW too. I'm Goldenrose on... oh, crap I don't remember my server. Will have to look it up and get back to you!
    lol. i see that. still an INFJ eh? Oddly enough I think I am becoming ENTJ
    Holy Crap eh! Motor Jax! It's Liason from intjf! You haven't been active in perhaps forever.
    I closed it myself. It's only for the staff to post in. And every admin, supmod and mod can post in a closed thread.
    Hey no problems, I thought it was interesting.

    Haha world peace, no wonder I thought I was an idealist. :doh: :D
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