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    Ni creates these really strong visions of the future which in some parts can be a bit idealistic. Since these visions can seem quite real (at least for me) and with a combination of their idealistic nature they can make us feel very strong for it. An ideal future is a good future and of course we want this future. We have to take a step back sometimes to look at our visions to see if they are realistic or not.
    Yes, I learned this at about your age, actually.

    This is why I was telling you to go for it. It's good you reached this conclusion without wasting a year and a half of school, but wasting that much time would have been worth receiving this understanding of yourself. When I learned it, I didn't know about Ni, so I just called it dream-chasing. I realized that adults don't do this because dreams never, or very rarely become reality. The only people who make dreams a reality work far too hard at it to even call it a dream anymore.

    Developing your Se results in developing a more realistic world-view that helps negate Ni's idealistic visions. Sorry for telling you to go ahead with it, you seemed pretty set on the idea, so I figured at least if you went for it, you'd learn your lesson, which would help you with the rest of your life.
    Happy Birthday Peets!

    You'r first birthday on the forums. How do you feel? :D
    Actually, I thought about this some more, and you should pursue it. The reason is that from what you described to me, you've recently discovered your Ti over the last few years. I think the next step is working on your Se, this dog training career would do that. Books, theories, and such, all detract from completing yourself as a person, so you'd have to develop your Se on your own time, which might be more difficult since we don't necessarily enjoy it.

    It's still a matter of risk vs reward, though. :) Good luck!
    Well, I think you would be better at that job than economics, based solely on your personality. Your performance would be better is what I am saying. You may not end up liking the job, and switching may cause you problems in life. Ni can give us insights into animal behavior, though. I've watched the Dog Whisperer a bunch and it's helped me to understand my parent's dog a lot.

    About being exhausted from being outside all day, don't worry about it. If you stick with a job that requires Se, you'll eventually become better at using it. You actually end up feeling better about yourself if you engage in Se activity. It gets you outside of your head and is very healthy. All you need is a few hours of down-time a day in which you are not using Se.

    Other jobs... no clue. Actor? lol... I honestly wish I knew a job that I would love that didn't require much training, I'd probably go for that.
    I can only give you a personal answer to that question. At age 22, I realized that there is no job I will always be happy with. My interests always change, so if I pursue a job I am interested in, that interest will wane as the years go by. My first major was computer science, and I couldn't maintain interest. I randomly switched to accounting because I thought it would be relatively easy, and something I could tolerate even if I didn't enjoy it.

    With the assumption I'll never find a job that I like, I look for happiness in other places besides the work itself. I find happiness in hobbies and interactions with other people. At work, I might enjoy the company of my coworkers, and that would be why I enjoy work. Some days, I love working at the gas station that I'm at because of the people I am working with. When I get an accounting job, whether I like it or not will depend solely on the people who I am working with.

    If you're with a person you love and building a life together, you can also use that as fuel to get through a drudgery job. Just put your work in that context, that you're working to build your home life, which you enjoy.

    This isn't the advice most people give you. People who have found their dream job will always tell everyone else how they need to find a job they enjoy. I don't think that's possible for most people, learn to love what life gives you is a better mentality.

    As for economics... yeah it's not an INFJ job, but you can only switch majors so many times before it becomes totally unreasonable and begins to screw up other aspects of your life. I hit a point where I stopped caring what I did for money, just so I have money coming in to be totally independent.
    Also, the problem with statistics is it has no bearing on our lives on an individual level. Statistics only applies to macro-decision making, not something as personal as a relationship.

    So, good luck with your ISFJ girlfriend! 2 years is an accomplishment worthy of congratulations. What I learned from my relationship that ended is never stop putting effort into it. We put a lot of effort into a relationship in the beginning, but that doesn't mean we get to auto-pilot it the rest of the way. It can be tiring for us, but effort matters.
    I am! LoL, well the person who wrote that based it on who we will communicate best with. Communication wise, ENFP's and ENTP's we can just naturally talk and connect with. I have an ENTP friend, and it's very true. I talk very naturally with him. But communication alone does not mean a good relationship. A mature person should be able to communicate with all types, anyway.

    So yeah, those dumb descriptions need a strong advisory warning next to them.
    Well my best friend is an online friend, and he's an ISFJ. After getting to know him very well, I like that personality the best for the same reasons you describe. When they commit to a person, that's that. Cheating and the like isn't something they'd do, nor would they generally go find someone else. They just don't think that way. Their love is also simple and uncomplicated, much like mine. I'm very much an ISFJ, even though I am an INFJ. My intuition has developed in a way that I hold certain bonds with absolute certainty, and take them as seriously as an ISFJ.

    Thanks for sharing that. :) It does give me a little hope.
    Well, my last relationship was an ISFP. She didn't fit and we made it work for a year. But that's all... ran into the same problem I would have with an ESFP, really. I had a fling with an ESFP in high school; I don't think they're my type. The attraction is there but there's something amiss in that connection for me.

    Other than that, I don't have a clue. INFP's might be alright if they're mature. INFJ's maybe, if they're the right sort, since an INFJ can be a LOT of different things. Even an ESTP would be possible. I'd love to meet an ISFJ woman to see what that is like.
    Well, my latest thought on life is that I'd rather be single than in a relationship. I was looking at other people's relationships, both successful and unsuccessful. It seems to be that the successful ones require people of exceptional quality, something I may be close to, but do not possess. Therefore, any relationship I enter will be ruined. This is until I am say, 35 to 40. Once I reach that age, other people in my generation will be mature enough to conduct themselves responsibly.

    There are people who are responsible in at my age right now, just they're church types and I'm not. I'm lumped in with the normal people, and normal people don't seem to have success until their mid thirties.
    Yeah. It helped me so much with myself and relationships I am starting to get obsessed, but in a good way.
    Hello :)

    I am glad to see you are taking an interest in theory it is indeed very complex lol

    I made the assumption of associating F with emotional processing when in reality is quite different from it..though Indy explain it very well :)
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