I can't say I've ever been in that situation because I've always known what I've wanted to do but it must be quite disillusioning, especially after you invested time into a subject, to not not get any fulfilment out of it. I say, if you feel like this now, I guess you've got nothing to lose by seeking out an old flame of interest. I mean, if you're a creative person (you obviously are if you considered art school) then you should feel right at home when you come across the creative outlet that you find that gives you what you need. Your an INFJ and you're not finding what you need in something, I know how that feels at least!
Just sayin, if you have a voice telling you to pursue something then no one can fault you for going after it. Use the force/intuition! Heh, listen to me trying to give advice, that's a whole bag of "wtf?". I think it's cus I've been forced to swallow a lot of harsh but true advice very recently, I feel like giving some out to balance me self. Hope you don't mind! It probably sounds like shit, but it's well meaning, honest!
Your even making me use monkeys- I never use monkeys!