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  • I'm fine :bounce:

    Making a joke out of that last sentence would just be... too easy!

    But that's wicked, I'm looking forward to it :madgrin:

    I've been making further advancements in our plan.
    :D It's not that I couldn't sleep, it's just... I've been thinking about you constantly. I mean, more then ever. First thing in the morning, last thing at night. One night I decided to do that. I felt much better!

    And that's my second favourite monkey... :eek:

    Presents? Are talking about... presents?
    Why would that have the opposite effect? I love babies. They just don't like me.
    No silly, why would I think that?

    No it's good thing, I just hope that being together will be enough and that we won't have to 'start again', like, getting to know each other as if we were strangers.
    Like, we've been through so much emotionally, all the revelations and thoughts and feelings already. It's funny, feels like we could just slip straight back into an ongoing conversation, like we've known each other for years already.
    What will we say to each other, in two weeks? We've said everything that could possibly be said. It feels like there is nothing else to say.
    You know I said I got up at 2pm? I lied. I got up at 12 but spent 2 hours thinking about you :redface:
    I've got 2075 and I haven't deleted one since I joined!

    It's fine. I had to glue the inside of the back legs a while ago because it was doing the splits. Wings? I thought those were ears?
    Is the pig an angel or is it just a pig?

    You delete your PMs? :eek: They are valuable!

    Yeah it was Todd actually, haha. He went for it but I pushed it a few inches out of his reach. He was like "Did you make that?" and I was like... "Yeeeeeeeah". I'm such a shit liar! He didn't believe me. I'll give him credit, he is quite smart!
    Really? Hmm, that's funny. I'm not gonna look back through my messages to find out because it's like I'm a different person when I look through old messages :eek:

    The language of INFJ transcends all sense! So don't worry about that!

    Oh, lol. Don't stress, I'm nothing special.

    By the way, your PM, about your Dad going for the biscuits... That was hilarious! Haha, I can imagine it so vividly. I was like that when my house mates picked up your paper pig.

    Time for: :tea:
    Uhm... 2 pm. It was lush :becky: What are you getting stressed for? You didn't eat it :suspicious:

    A cure for nightmares? I did not know that. I'm gonna buy you a piglet one day with the amount you talk about them.

    Lol, you just said your Saturday wasn't special, then went on to inventory more events then I do in a week! Sounds awesome though.
    Ultra healthy stuff! Salad, potatoes... salad.

    I woke up so late... I... I'm ashamed! So yeah, I've done pretty much nothing today. Messed with my computer, did some uni work. I was so hungry in the morn-... afternoon I had like 2 breakfasts.

    And now here I am. I swear it was only last Saturday you were talking about getting those books? How time flies.

    That pig worked! A little... I'm still getting weird dreams, not nightmares but weird ones :wacko:
    I'm not actually having one... but I am making dinner! I will have one after, I promise.

    How's it going gorgeous? :D
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