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  • A biscuit is a flat bit of bread or cake, a cookie is a sweet pastry.

    In the UK we call cookies, the pastry, biscuits but we also call small, hard and flat bread biscuits. We make no distinction between the two and call them both biscuits. But, stereotypically if it is a biscuit with chocolate bits in it and is thicker and rounder- it is a cookie.
    I've got a christmas tub of Mini cheddars. Not much savoury food around here, just loads of chocolate.

    It's okay, you can call them cookies if they are cookies!
    OKAY, I have the food, let's do this.

    Hey what's this!? You've already eaten your cake! YOU... You didn't wait! Betrayed by my own type!
    But you said "I think once you get to 50, you need to cele-..." Ohhhhhhh.

    I thought you were telling me that when I get to 50, I need to celebrate, as if to say I hadn't already got there!

    I'll just let that general retardation simmer with you as I rampage my way to the fridge


    Nothing wrong with it but it's not an ideal time to eat is it? Having just commited that sentence to this page, I also do it! Usually only when I'm talking to you at unholy hours.

    I don't know yet! CLICK ON MY PROFILE I'M HUNGRY!
    What's so important about our avatars matching? Your's are always amazing- it's quite annoying!

    YOU have 60 something pages and more profile views! You don't even post that much! Okay, I'll celebrate by getting something to eat- do it together? Or are you full/too late?
    I love that picture, I think it is great photography and it has beautiful and haunting quality to it and I feel a strong affinity towards it. The shape is good and it goes well with my user name. Like a progression, from empty park bench to sitting together in silent communication.
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