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  • I'm writing a research paper, I've been writing it all day. and also as I said in the thread, I don't want to type anymore people because I dislike the attention its grabbing. but sure I'll do you both sexually, and typ-uallly once I'm done.
    I like unicorns, and rainbows.

    Does this make me an ENFP???

    It was supposed to show you a picture of a girl who's passed out.

    I heard you liked easy targets.
    Cats in sombreros. Awesome.

    That google search did however bring this up too:

    It's ridiculous :cool:

    Indy is SO NOT a feeler, because he didn't like my cat pictures ;(
    Because of your rep, I'll sleep better tonight :)

    Or something along those lines.

    I think the thread is a fucking joke to call saru out though.
    Oh well.
    Yeah, I prefer to read in bed in the morning :)

    SOOO much more relaxing than reading drama here lol
    I think I'm going into it because so many adults are stupid. I can't even begin to have conversations with some people because they are so set in their ways. At least with kids I'll be able to have conversations and get honest opinions. They also tell you if you mess up. They're honest (mostly) and willing to change if they can be convinced something is right or wrong.

    Do I want to mastermind an army of rebellious youth to set up a world where I am the benevolent dictator? No.........
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