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  • One isn't enough. There's like a whole forum of them in some other places! But, I am too shy to admit my fancies to them. :(

    I am just saying more diversity would be nice. :D
    awwww, that sounds great :)
    I think I need a good holiday to be honest, his villa sounds perfect. I think it would do me good to go for a little while, even if it was just a weekend or something. But, if not, it's not like there's no-where to go in the UK xD there are plenty of places I would love to go and explore in the UK...
    haha totally xD

    I hope to stay in my uncle's villa sometime this year for a couple of weeks, I need to ask him though....
    Thank you for the reputation comment Neuropedia ^___^

    Spain does sound rather lovely for a living style indeed :)
    Am I awake or am I sleeping?????????????? Am I saru or just dreaminggggggg? Is nueropedia my darling, just a cat named jabba!

    I'm so tired......
    well, i didnt write any of the ones about you. uuhh, yeah, felt like i really needed to say that.
    Haha. Yeah I slept pretty good. Got up really early in time for the hotel breakfast, 10:25. How about yourself?
    My computer died. Then I was gonna get the recharger out of my bag but the dogs started almost barking because I guess they're sensitive to noise so I just sat in my chair for a while trying to figure out what to do. I walked really slowly to the couch and was able to lay down without them barking. Then I fell asleep.
    douche. gimme like 45 minutes i have to create a parfait, buy a donut, then consume them while meditating on picturing your cats face on your body. aka I have to do some chores first, I meant tonight like sometime tonight. gimme a little bit.
    Yeeeah I found someone that is learning Swedish. So not actually Swedish, but yeah.

    I think that's a very interesting subject. Maybe explain it like you want to look at the artist in depth so that you can understand his or her motivation/reason for the art? Are you gonna look at one artist in specific or just in general? if it's the latter it might be like a psychological/philosphical kind of paper? like, what makes us want to create art and etc.

    Maybe I completely missed the mark, idk.
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