Recent content by Norton

  1. N

    Why Would An INTP Stare Into An INFJ's Eyes?

    Why? Because I'm still smitten with her after 40 years of marriage. That's why. (And, her eyes are still the same gorgeous blue they were when we first fell in love.)
  2. N


    Start talking about quantum physics and most people will flee in terror.
  3. N

    How do you see yourself in various stages of your life

    I've been through a lot of stages so far and I can say that every stage was a surprise. So, I'm out of the prediction business.
  4. N

    how to quit worrying about things you can't control

    Things you can't control are the very things you shouldn't worry about. Worry is only useful and adaptive when it motivates you to be better prepared, take action and strive for excellence, and this is only for things about which you have at least a modicum of control. That said, things you...
  5. N

    INFJ - Why ENTPs scare me.

    I do have to admit that the ENTPs I've known have been enthusiastic, exciting, and sometimes, charismatic. Some of them, though, seemed to be a bit self-centered and not empathetic to others' needs and aspirations. I have a limited data set, though, so I'm don't want to generalize. ENTPs do...
  6. N

    INFJ - Why ENTPs scare me.

    This is why INTPs and INFJs can be a good match. INTPs have ideas and can be spontaneous like ENTPs but, because they're introverts, INTPs don't continually broadcast their thoughts or jump around all over the place.
  7. N

    How do I remain who I am?

    Also, acting other than what you are is a tremendous strain and sure to exhaust even the most stalwart of INFJs. Not only don't we know what others want, they usually don't know what they want even when they think they do.
  8. N

    Signing in with FB

    I'm not on facebook. It's too insidiously invasive. Also, I prefer friends to "friends."
  9. N

    How do I remain who I am?

    If you are truly an INFJ, you will remain one. And, you will always remain who you are. But, that shouldn't mean you are stagnant and don't change. A full, vibrant life of willingly accepted challenge, and the ability to experience it fully, means that you are always changing. That's called...
  10. N

    Cameron Says No to Europe

    Why should hard working countries support slacker countries where evading taxes and retiring at 60 are the rule? I never thought the euro and its associated infrastructure would work. There is such a thing as sovereignty, and a few countries take it seriously. I'm a Yank who says, "good for...
  11. N

    is God a woman?

    Then that's where I want to go when I'm done here!
  12. N

    Toronto Subway Riders Come Face to Face with Farm Animals

    With their natural predators long gone, we have an over abundance of deer here. Professional hunters have been hired to cull the herd and even deer contraceptives have been tried. I have no problem with hunting and eating meat--it's a natural thing for us to do. Sitting on one's butt all day...
  13. N

    Toronto Subway Riders Come Face to Face with Farm Animals

    I like woodland-raised venison, which is a good argument for conservation.
  14. N

    Toronto Subway Riders Come Face to Face with Farm Animals

    Give up. McDonald's has sold billions of hamburgers and will continue to do so despite PETA and other feel good, holier than thou, self-righteous organizations. Maybe you think tofu and soybeans are a delicious protein alternative to prime beef grilled just right, but I and hundreds of...
  15. N

    Toronto Subway Riders Come Face to Face with Farm Animals

    We've been eating delicious animals for a couple of 100,000 years. Had we not, our brains would be small and we'd be stupid. When you convince all the other predators in the world to stop eating animals, then I might start to consider becoming a vegetarian. Until then, I'll keep grilling...