Cameron Says No to Europe


A currently massive news story in the UK is the PM saying no to a treaty to hand over more powers to the EU in Brussels to solve the Euro crisis.

Looking at what they were proposing I thought his judgement was spot on.

This is a fairly large story in Europe also but doesn't seem to have crossed the pond yet.

Why should hard working countries support slacker countries where evading taxes and retiring at 60 are the rule? I never thought the euro and its associated infrastructure would work. There is such a thing as sovereignty, and a few countries take it seriously. I'm a Yank who says, "good for Cameron."
A lot of what is happening is political theatre

The reality is that the 1% in each European country are working together to ensure that the people of Europe, not the bankers, pay for damage caused by the behaviour of the bankers through 'austerity' measures

Cameron is definately looking out for the interests of the City of London whose main concern is that they would be hit particularly badly by a tax on financial transactions ('tobin tax'/'robin hood tax'). The argument being that the financial sector is such a big part of our economy that we must protect reality all the financial sector has done is give us debts which are nearly 1000% of GDP (7 minutes in:

This 'crisis' is being used like everyone before it to justify further centralisations of power and wealth

So have these centralisations of power and wealth benefitted us? Clearly not