Recent content by nosferatu

  1. nosferatu

    Do most INFJs really believe they are empaths?

    I think most INFJ are good at reading body language and finding underlying intent/meaning in what people say. Having said this, I have met with INFJ irl and they were actually very wrong about how I was truly feeling. I think if I had to peg any type as an empath, it would be someone with an...
  2. nosferatu


  3. nosferatu

    Kill the poster above you

    Eventhorizon attempts to build an Igloo of his own to stay warm in over winter, and accidentally ends up freezing.
  4. nosferatu

    Traits and Conclusions

    To be fair, those with legit anxiety disorders in real life who are unaware they have them, often will be found online in any kind of group. A looooot of people I've met online have had anxiety disorders or um, to put it bluntly, had something very off about them.
  5. nosferatu

    What's your favorite healthy meal?

    Well if you are going to work out in the morning, it is a great protein boost to start the day with. Always good to start your day with protein. It keeps you feeling less hungry through the day.
  6. nosferatu

    INFJ, what sort of work are we suited to?

    I could see INFJ being good criminal psychologists. I think I'd be a fantastic detective. Probably a good criminal psychologist too. Many people have told me they can see me as a detective. I was telling someone if I could get re-born as something else, I'd want to be born a male FBI agent...
  7. nosferatu

    In light of School Shootings. What about the shooter themselves?

    What about the 11 year old who shot his 8 year old neighbor with a shotgun, arguing about puppies? A lot of people are born messed up and what's sad is most people who truly have problems cannot see that, until one of their actions certainly proves they are messed up in the head. I think the...
  8. nosferatu

    Thanks again for hearing me out yesterday. You are an amazing listener and I appreciate when...

    Thanks again for hearing me out yesterday. You are an amazing listener and I appreciate when you've been there for me :-)
  9. nosferatu

    What's your favorite healthy meal?

    Avocado cut in half with an egg cooked in the middle.
  10. nosferatu

    Would you have a relationship with another INFJ?

    My last one failed because he could not address conflict. He'd push it under the bush and too much resentment built up. I'm certainly not the bossy type, but when something is legitimately wrong and it cannot be addressed (and it affects me too)...No. Just no. I want open and honest...
  11. nosferatu

    And then when I got an agent the call dropped >___<

    And then when I got an agent the call dropped >___<
  12. nosferatu

    He doesn't know the password to my computer. And the password is tied to a registered hotmail...

    He doesn't know the password to my computer. And the password is tied to a registered hotmail account. I changed the password to that hotmail account.
  13. nosferatu

    I sent a reply. I'm not sure what to do. The police can't get it back. Now it is up to the...

    I sent a reply. I'm not sure what to do. The police can't get it back. Now it is up to the Dell because I still have the serial number and everything. I reported the computer as stolen with them twice on their web page because they aren't answering their phones there, I've been on hold all...
  14. nosferatu

    I only got the first one.

    I only got the first one.