Recent content by ontheroadtohope

  1. ontheroadtohope

    Enneagram Subtype Arenas Test

    sp: 71 sx: 67 so: 51 I've never tried to figure out what my subtype is, but this is interesting food for thought.
  2. ontheroadtohope

    Oh dear, Egypt is going south.

    I was following it through my friend's Facebook (she's living in Cairo) but obviously that isn't an option now. Al Jazeera has great coverage though...for some reason we get the TV channel on cable and I've been watching it all day so's impossible to look away. From the little I know...
  3. ontheroadtohope

    The Single Stigma

    Whenever I go home for holidays, the first thing my relatives ask me is if "I'm seeing anyone" or whether "there's a guy in my life". I know they mean well, but it gets irritating -- because you're right, there's a stigma attached to being single. The majority of people don't understand that...
  4. ontheroadtohope


    Watching people comes naturally to me -- I find myself observing without even consciously making the decision to. But unlike some other people in this thread, I don't analyze people. I don't try to figure out their motivations or characteristics or what type of person they are. I just simply...
  5. ontheroadtohope

    Impacting Music Videos

    I've watched this video close to 20 times in the last few days. It makes me want to jump in the air, climb mountains, swim oceans, and dance until I can't dance any longer. Basically, it makes me feel incredibly passionate about life. :D YouTube - Stjepan Hauser & Luka Sulic - Smooth Criminal
  6. ontheroadtohope

    what do you need most quiz

    You Need Freedom You need to have full control of your life. You must make your own choices and decisions. Your confidence and self-esteem comes from being independent. It's very important that no one tells you what to do. You don't do well with rules, responsibilities, or commitment. You're...
  7. ontheroadtohope

    Death Stare

    My friends have told me that my neutral face is really sad and kind of a basset hound. But I personally don't think it's all that bad...
  8. ontheroadtohope

    Anyone here have a different online personality?

    The way I act online is the way I act with people with whom I feel comfortable in real life. So although I may put myself out there a little more, be a little more friendly, and a little less inhibited than I act around people I don't know very well offline, it's really no different from how I...
  9. ontheroadtohope

    He confuses me - an INFJ guy, HELP!

    What you said here really stuck out to me because in the past I've gone into a relationship seeing a lot of room for improvement in the other person and ending up incredibly disappointed when change just didn't happen. I don't mean to say that you have that same intention (it's perfectly...
  10. ontheroadtohope

    Women in direct combat

    From a broad standpoint, the way I see it is that war forces the individual to make a choice: are some people's lives more "valuable"? Someone who is willing (not coerced by any means) to fight a war must somehow have come to the decision that the lives of his neighbors and countrymen (or...
  11. ontheroadtohope

    Women in direct combat

    The American military seems to have enough members without instituting a draft. Not to mention that a threat of invasion would probably inspire more people to join of their own free will because of ideals like patriotism that are drummed into us from elementary school.
  12. ontheroadtohope

    Sun rises 2 days earlier in Greenland

    You're right...the media and politicians especially seem enamored with "global warming" and anyone who reads the news or watches TV can expect to have it drilled into their heads over and over. It's such a loaded term. I agree...we (as humans) have been flirting with the breaking point for a...
  13. ontheroadtohope

    Sun rises 2 days earlier in Greenland

    Nothing against you or the author of the article, but it's a pet peeve of mine when people use "global warming" interchangeably with "climate change". One is an effect of the other, not the same concept. Other than that, I think it may be too early to tell for certain whether changing weather...
  14. ontheroadtohope

    I found a great INFP description!!!!

    I have been struggling with this choice lately, too. I like the way you put it -- becoming either a stranger to yourself or to other people. All my decision-making about the future ultimately comes down to that...doing what I want or what others want (as selfish as that sounds). I'm sure some...
  15. ontheroadtohope

    I found a great INFP description!!!!

    If you're an ENFP, why would you?