Death Stare


find wisdom, build hope.
This topic is posted in that other MBTI forum, INFJ section.
Is 'death stares' really typical of us? A friend of mine does tell I have that kind of expression; kind of like >: | or T_T and... I do notice I tend to...pull this kind of expression.

And echoing the other forum; what happens in your mind? What goes into my mind? Basically I'm deciphering or listening to what the other said.

An image on the thread too;

Ralph Fiennes (...who?), supposedly an INFJ
oooh looks scary~ but there isn't any tenseness in the eyes~ (or maybe that's just me) ~ :P Maybe if you obscure everything except the eye region~

Aaaanywaays~ Doesn't look angry... just... uuh cold :0? Or (mostly) detached with this realm... at least uuh :P I dunno~ just saying.. stuff

Why is it called a death stare anyways >;0 that sounds so scary
Every type has a "default" expression. It's the expression they naturally revert to when they're unoccupied.

Ni-doms, I notice, have an expression of mild irritation (which has to do with inferior Se, I suppose). It's brow slightly-furrowed, thousand-yard stare that's prevalent in both INTJs and INFJs.

Something like this:

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Julian Assange. Seriously. That guy just has that sinister look in his eyes. So creepy.
Yah, I do this. :m190:

I don't stand in places and creepily have a cheesy grin in my face, it's my serious face.
Here's my death stare. I mean, this photo is about 18 months old I think and, to be fair, it was taken for a soccer league roster. So I consciously had on my I-am-going-to-fuck-you-up-on-the-field face but it's not too far off from how I look normally. Or so I've been told.

Here's my death stare. I mean, this photo is about 18 months old I think and, to be fair, it was taken for a soccer league roster. So I consciously had on my I-am-going-to-fuck-you-up-on-the-field face but it's not too far off from how I look normally. Or so I've been told.

*flat stare*
I dunno, it looks like you're thinking of something random.

I don't know, but he has that sort of face.

...wait, that means...
*horrified face*
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My friends have told me that my neutral face is really sad and kind of a basset hound. But I personally don't think it's all that bad...

Sometimes people tell me not to
"look at them like that". I don't
really know what this means. I'm
just being normal? I never know
what to do. Hmph. :\
Sometimes people tell me not to
"look at them like that". I don't
really know what this means. I'm
just being normal? I never know
what to do. Hmph. :\

I can recall myself in this situation~ I think I'm one of those people that says........ 0.o stop looking like that! !!!
I didn't think I had a death stare, but apparently I do. I was at the gym with my gym partner and I was pushing myself really hard. She said, "You look like you're going to beat someone's ass and you don't care if you kill them or if you go to jail. I would be scared of you if I didn't know you." So I think mine is triggered by intense effort or focus.

I tried to notice my movements a bit after that on subsequent trips and she's right. I'm there for a purpose and nothing is going to get in my way. Also, I go right after work so I am already usually agitated.
[MENTION=2926]Bird[/MENTION] Quit looking at me like that!!

I have a stare of "focus" and people always ask "What are you thinking about"? I hate that question.
Ooooh, love Ralph Fiennes and yeah, I think I have this look.

Korg, you're definitely giving off a "dont f*ck with me" vibe with that face... Are you flaring your nostrils for extra emphasis?

I've noticed that my neutral expression is usually a serene smile and I'm always sad when others don't return it. I'm especially annoyed when someone else's is a furrowed brow which happens a LOT in crabby patty zone - MI.
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Er. I have the death glare, too. A lot of people find me unapproachable because I look really mean, but what most don't realize is that's my face on auto-pilot. My mind is generally somewhere else! Hmm. I also have trouble hiding my feelings. For instance, if I think someone's a complete facial expression will scream it. :md:
My face is extremely animated. Its really easy to read what I'm feeling. I'm nearly always looking concerned, and looking off into nothingness.
People always tell me I look "pensive." Like I'm troubled by something, but that's not really how I feel.