Thank you, Yield.
Yep, 'tis a hard life indeed. It's hard enough already, but even harder for us INFJs. Everyone has their obstacles in life, but ours' are massive!
I do find this forum a very friendly, thought-provoking and stimulating place, but I'm more of a passive observer. Though having said that, I would post more often, however a lot of my time does get taken up by school and revision/coursework. Of the spare internet time that I do have, I tend to use it to go on quite a few sites, such as IAG (an online football management game, which is quite addictive too), a sub-forum which a group of us players use to discuss the game and to generally muse about life, Yahoo! Answers (I help out there whenever I can) and occassionally on TSR and Facebook. So my 'screentime' is very much taken up, but I do like this place and I enjoy reading through threads and posts whenever I venture onto the forum.