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  • You're gonna have to warn me more often! Yeah but seriously, I haven't really slept since.. that one night it was 6 am, I don't even remember when it was! :shocked:
    (I'm sorry) Lol. :smile:

    Oh god. How.. how did it get 2.15?? I swear I had no idea! I have to go to sleep right now! I'm gonna die.
    LOL. I was just going to say: Besides, I only like you for your hair, so.. :m045:
    Haha, that was probably one of my first post on the forum as well, lol.
    i must say, as a fellow film snob, I'm woefully disappointed in you for watching Kick Ass. Hee, just kidding.

    And the only other time I ever used that monkey, was when you asked me to marry you, so that means a lot!
    I'm sorry! I was kinda falling asleep while I was texting near the end. And then, when we were done with that I was so awake and couldn't sleep anymore! It was so sad!
    The question is: can you ever reach your limit on coffee? :madgrin:

    Don't mind me, I'm just frustrated: I'm having.. tea right now :(
    Lol, stop drinking chocolate then! Did you switch from coffee to chocolate recently?
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