Recent content by Persona

  1. Persona

    What current series do you watch?

    Finishing up Lost, then I have a couple more on a list to check out. I've seen a few episodes of travelers, but didn't quite get into it. How does it come around?
  2. Persona

    What current series do you watch?

    Definitely is a likeable character, except for all the stupid decisions he has made, especially that one about joining Pike's crazy army frenzy.
  3. Persona

    What current series do you watch?

    I don't think he should of died the way he did, but oh well. And lol no worries, I've seen all the seasons except for the 2018 one that is to come. And Murphy definitely had some character development. But still managed to be cold in the end. Any other series you've seen that are great?
  4. Persona

    What current series do you watch?

    Favorite would probably have to be Lincoln. I also like Octavia, and think roan was a pretty cool character for the most part. I don't like Clarke or her mother, raven is okay, and Murphy is funny, he's a likeable character as well.
  5. Persona

    What current series do you watch?

    Favorite character?
  6. Persona

    A lot of studies, contemplating, finding my path, implementing creative aspects, and the list...

    A lot of studies, contemplating, finding my path, implementing creative aspects, and the list goes on, haha. Yourself?
  7. Persona

    That's great. And doing well !

    That's great. And doing well !
  8. Persona

    Good to see you Free (= how are you?

    Good to see you Free (= how are you?
  9. Persona

    Hello! How have you been, good to see you. (=

    Hello! How have you been, good to see you. (=
  10. Persona

    Synchronized perfect timing? Awesome we are! (=

    Synchronized perfect timing? Awesome we are! (=
  11. Persona

    Yeah, just checking in on all the seemingly interesting stuff when I should be asleep. Lol. Nice...

    Yeah, just checking in on all the seemingly interesting stuff when I should be asleep. Lol. Nice to see you are still here!
  12. Persona

    What Is Your Subconscious Obsessed With?

    Your subconscious is obsessed with knowledge! The pictures you have selected suggest that you have one the most curious minds we have ever seen! Your subconscious is always looking for something new to learn, new sights to see, practically anything that would give a nice exercise session to...
  13. Persona

    What artist are you most like?

  14. Persona

    [ENFJ] Anyone Else Attracted To This Type?

    I know a lot of ENFJ females; they are pretty great. I'd say I'm pretty compatible with them. If anything, they are my favorite, if not, one of them.
  15. Persona

    Thank you! I've been exceptionally great. Can't complain. Hope you're doing well too!

    Thank you! I've been exceptionally great. Can't complain. Hope you're doing well too!