[ENFJ] Anyone Else Attracted To This Type?


Permanent Fixture
Every ENFJ I've ever met I have found myself drawn to. Even the not so good looking ones! Any other INFJ's that feel like they're the most attractive type?
al with that much Fe, and Ti to them seems like I'm tearing apart who they are, when it's simply me trying to keep balance. If that makes any sense...

I do know an ENFJ that says things like "you cant generalize" or "I try not to shit all over other peoples values". This is a little annoying to deal with sometimes; im trying to make sense of a thing that doesn't.
As an INFJ I have focused on developing my weaknesses which include socializing. Now I'm a bundle of charm and the girls love it. I lived for their attention but still strived for a real lasting relationship. With each girl I got too close to, it always ended badly and I think I got more hurt than any of them even though it was my fault.
My brother is an ENFJ.

Growing up, his extroversion was hard as shit to deal with. That and we're only 14 months apart. Crazy dynamic. He partied a lot and got in fights often. Now that he's older he's more into hanging out with his girlfriend and working on his jeep, playing video games, etc. So when we were teenagers we didn't really spend a lot of time in each other's company. We're so unbelievably different but so similar. It's a weird family dynamic.
my brother is an enfj.. we do get along well but, he is a bit suffocating. too charming for my liking and too "people person". Everyone loves him.. My younger sister on the other hand, is an entj, She's the crowd's favorite.. We're close, but i think her Fe is developed, probably why we're close. She's the one who insists on me going out and explore the world. :m071:
I know a lot of ENFJ females; they are pretty great. I'd say I'm pretty compatible with them. If anything, they are my favorite, if not, one of them.