Recent content by Phage

  1. P

    What spice is your soul

    Lavender You like and prefer solitude. You are your own best friend. You have a lot of strength to give to others. You are an amazing caretaker to anyone who needs to be cared for. You are constant, steady, and patient. You don't seek out change; you let it come to you. You are conservative...
  2. P

    Are you single??? or not???

    Are you single or not? I am single. Although with my friend/ex we apparently have some weird "together, but not really" thing going on. It makes me hate him, and myself especially. Do you plan on dating soon? I do plan on dating as soon as I meet the person who meets my criteria...
  3. P

    What's your dating type?

    The Protector In love, you strive to have the perfect relationship. For you, sex is nearly a spiritual experience, a bonding of souls. Overall, you have high expectations for any relationship you're in. However, you tend to hold back a part of yourself. Best matches: ENTP and ENFP
  4. P

    Calling all non-breeders~

    I haven't made up my mind yet... I'm 21 and single. I don't see a suitable mate within the next six years at least. So far... I really REALLY wanted to have one kid, but now that I have more seriously evaluated things I am kind of terrified of having another human being pop out of me and start...
  5. P

    Lol. No, but it can be! :D

    Lol. No, but it can be! :D
  6. P

    How Much Have You Changed?

    Have you made any changes in your life recently? Has your approach to life shifted in any way? How different are you from the person you were six months ago? A year ago? I have been changing a lot lately. I have become less trusting, and more independent. I moved out of my parents house...
  7. P

    Favorite Commercials, anyone?

    It's about a grocery store or something like that. The guys are out of food and they just go and come back quickly because it's just that convenient. Hehe. Extremely Funny Metal Commercial And this one: Herbal Essences Body Envy Shampoo Ad 2007
  8. P

    It's winter over there?! What's the temperature? It's summer here. It's was 90 degrees out...

    It's winter over there?! What's the temperature? It's summer here. It's was 90 degrees out today! But it was still a really nice day. :) Not humid and sticky, just very sunny. Yeah, especially here in the Midwest, it gets to -19 degrees Farenheit. I think that's like -2 degrees Celcius. It...
  9. P

    Ah, too caffeinated I see. Hehe. I understand, I am extremely sensitive to any amount of...

    Ah, too caffeinated I see. Hehe. I understand, I am extremely sensitive to any amount of caffeine. -_-" I swear I had like one cup of coffe at like 3:30pm and it keeps me up til 3am anyway. I am in the Midwest. :/ I don't get to be on the fun parts (hehe, that sounds naughty), like the East...
  10. P

    Aww.. That sounds like a rough night. I shouldn't complain then. It's only 11:50pm over here in...

    Aww.. That sounds like a rough night. I shouldn't complain then. It's only 11:50pm over here in the US. Hehe. :D
  11. P


    Lol. I wasn't arguing. Just adding my thoughts. :) I agree with you. Edit: I was just trying to dissect the reasoning a little more.
  12. P


    I am not understanding the big arguments about polyamory... Doesn't it just mean you love more than one person at once and you all function as a part of a committed relationship? Like a micro-community? It's not all about sex. It is also a relationship which requires effort and support for one...
  13. P

    What are three qualities that you admire in others?

    Sincerity Elegance Relentless Passion As for how I exemplify them in myself, I HATE lying. It makes me feel physically awful as well as mentally. I believe the best way to live is honestly, sincerely, and passionately. Passion that does not end, that proves that in this short life, some...
  14. P

    I miss you like you have no idea. I always look up at the sky and think about you. I wish I...

    I miss you like you have no idea. I always look up at the sky and think about you. I wish I would have been there for you, I should have answered your message.