What are three qualities that you admire in others?


Community Member
What are three qualities or traits that you admire in others (top three)?

To what extent do you exemplify those qualities yourself?

I try to follow these qualities whenever I can, discipline being something that I've taken very seriously these past years. I believe discipline holds the key to everything else.

Don't know if those are the top three, but they are definitely three at the top. These are just me exemplified, or they would not be as important to me.
- The way they consider me awesome.
- The way they love me.
- The way they think they can best me.

I try my best to act as foolish in return, but I cannot.

I try very hard to live up to these, but I am seriously lacking in the patience category.
Relentless Passion

As for how I exemplify them in myself, I HATE lying. It makes me feel physically awful as well as mentally. I believe the best way to live is honestly, sincerely, and passionately. Passion that does not end, that proves that in this short life, some things really are without end. A consistent, unending love and drive. I have never understood the idea that love fades and I never will. I will not let mine fade, ever. Whatever allows me to live this way in life is where my happiness is, so that's what I aim for.
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Open Minded
Sense of Humour

I think I have these qualities, but, not always of course.
Outward Eccentricity

Outward Eccentricity - I'm eccentric but I try to hide it so I like those who have it on display
Confidence - haven't got a great deal of this but I love being around confident people
Patience - I have this. I don't like quick tempers.
Kindness, Innocence, Forgiveness.

I think to some degree I am kind, but the other two, not so much.
Ingenuity of character -- don't fade into the background, be yourself (this includes having an appreciation for everything in life, by extension); I do everything I can to sustain this, though it is...difficult at times.
Honesty -- Without it, there can be no progress, no love, no light in an otherwise dark existence. Paradoxical, really - we need it but are rarely aware of it, or aware that we don't have it (self-deceit, anyone?). Truth is a strange animal. I like to think I am honest, but one can never really know.
Intelligence -- When push comes to shove, I need people to soundboard off of (and be one in return, of course). Connecting with entities of awareness is a vital step in overcoming restraints and furthering humanity's reach. I don't know how to tell if I have it (I don't think IQ is a valid assessment), so I can't say if I exemplify this. Sorreh
What are three qualities or traits that you admire in others (top three)?
- the ability to not be easily fazed by anything
- assertiveness
- fearlessness

To what extent do you exemplify those qualities yourself?
- I don't which is why I admire them when I see them in other people.
I'm three for three with @Korg on this one.

I don't exemplify these, otherwise I would have come up with my own list.
I am a conformist rather than authentic, selfless rather than intelligent and someone that sees logic in settling rather than being driven.
When I see authenticity, intelligence and drive all in one person I am certain to soon fall in love.

Good thread, it is interesting to see how people have many similar top threes.
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