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  • Well I think we discussed this before via PM. I'm hoping to spend some years in Eastern Europe during research and lecturing. Being that it's my ancestral homeland it should be nice.

    Yes I understand that feeling. As you get older, your wide-eyed views tend to transform into a more mature view. I notice this myself. You develop a more critical self-acceptance towards it, if that makes sense.
    Im doing alright. Very eager to explore some options that'll hopefully help me towards my life goals.

    How about yourself? I just glanced through the thread about your trip here.
    I guess so. My rent is due in less than two weeks and I don't have any money to pay it, which is mainly what I'm worried about. I hated the job, anyway, so I guess you're right.
    Thanks for the rep. That was a pretty good guess about me hating where I live. Unless of course you mean my state of being as opposed to my location. despite my sadness, I am quite happy to be alive. But I do hate the city and nation I am presently in and can't wait to get home.
    If you like Paranoid Park, then most likely you'll at least appreciate his other works to a great extent. His big one was Milk, but there was My Own Private Idaho with River Phoenix (an odd mix of Shakespeare's Henry IV and Henry V with the story of a narcoleptic gay prostitute) , Last Days (a fictionalized account of Kurt Cobain's last days) and a few others.
    I didn't know Touch me was a remake ^^ I listened to it today -I'm surprised it was a rock song. I like the Lettermen more XD
    Thanks! Are you a fan of Gus Van Sant in general? Either way, there was so much lingering in the atmosphere during that film. Very honest.
    Hey I'm glad to hear for the most part your USA visit is going well. I thinks it will be beneficial too. We are all idealist okay most of us are. And we will never loose but its good to be real with ourselves. Oh and my avatar wasn't drawn by me. here is the artists site.
    S has no affiliation with INFJ Forums, and if people don't announce who they are, in a way I know them when they enter, they get banned.
    I know what you mean. I think the artists first described it as taking solace in the arms of someone who loves you, drowns out all the problems and worries. And man I've missed that. No I didn't the here is the artist's website.
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