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  • I know, we who don't have kids and are not tied to that type of obligations can't even begin to comprehend the want for a relief that you that have all of those need sometimes.

    I thought you was being negative on yourself. You will find your peace, certainly, although I can imagine how out of reach it might seem from time to time.
    I think that you possibly understood my point on walking away a bit too gloomy than it was meant to be. I simply wanted to point out that you can walk away, and you can recharge but problems will wait for you.

    I hope that you spend your free time as best as you possibly can, and that you recharge the way you need in order to fight the complexity of everyday family life. ~~~~~~~ (some positive vibrations from me to you) :hug:
    Anytime compadre, titles seem to pop out of the swirling vortex a bit easier than other things. You have a real talent and I hope it gets published, then hopefully it will inspire another to pick up the pen or brighten someone's day when they are down.
    In my head all the time, putting the words down on paper requires me to be in a very specific set of circumstances. I write love poems sometimes and I have three novels that are works in progress. Writers block is a real pain in the ass to me, so I have to work during my short bouts of creativity.

    If I think up any other titles I'll sling em your way. One must always endeavor to assist his fellow artisans of the written word.
    I like them both. Monet uses colors in such interesting way, and I like the way he blends and mixes them. As for Da Vinci, with him is more about the subject and less about technique, in my opinion, the way he saw the world amazes me every time.
    Sure. It could have been the way I read it, but there was a very strong break between the 2nd and 3rd lines (for endings that were the start // of new beginnings). It sounded cut-off to me when I expected the words to keep flowing and I didn't notice that style throughout the rest of the poem so it stood out.

    I hope that's more clear.
    Sorry I didn't get back to you on that! It completely slipped my mind. I've been preoccupied with school. I apologize again. I will look at the poem soon. I'm just catching up everything I've been missing the past few days.
    Yup, but I was pretty bent on being different than other girls when I was a kid. So I'd have played with your toys then XD
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