I can't imagine you offending anyone! Even if someone offended me I'd never respond with an offensive remark lol not on purpose anyway and I'm really sorry it came across that way! My bad entirely!
ACK!! I wasn't offended at all, just laughing. I had to go back and read the post and realized how my question must have sounded! I'm sorry, it wasn't intended to be rude! Duh to me!
My kids--even the one with cognitive issues--are much more at ease with technology in general. In our household, the 65-year-old doesn't ue the computer, the 45-year-old is decent with some gaps, and I'm kind of in the middle.
For disapprove I didn't know it was going to do that! I just wanted to comment. Please don't take it personally. I just didn't want to derail the welcome thread.
Hey K, my ENFJ friend Sonya just registered here, I'm just letting u know if u wanted to send her a friend request! She's great and a true friend... ttys