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  • If it is a "possible" offense, yes, ignore it. Believe me when I tell you I'll let you know if you piss me off. Otherwise you can pretty well guess that I wasn't even paying attention.
    Lol you should start regretting it kid. You're apologizing for things I don't understand or even know took place. And you apologizing makes me think you actually have something to apologize for when you absolutely do not and now it's just aggravating. I don't know what the heck this conversation started to be about, as far as I can tell you are apologizing for paying me a compliment. Just stop.
    Lol then why are you apologizing? I still don't understand what all this is about. Are you apologizing because you thought I was a dude?
    Maybe I'm not understanding your English then. Did you mean it as an insult or did you mean it as a compliment?
    Yeah, I don't think you should say things like that to people you don't know kid, for reasons of you don't know them.
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