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  • Hi! I see you're into studying natural medicines.
    This is something I find really interesting. Do you
    think you could give me some good references
    to check out to help my learning. I have a book I use
    now called natural home remedies as well as a
    few herb books, though they're not quite as direct as
    the nhr book.
    thanks i'm glad you liked my drawing :)
    i only do faces or parts of faces in abstract and even then they are sort of just part of the overall design. i have a few rather hectic drawings in an album on my profile if you're interested in checking them out. again, thanks for the comment (and the rep too)
    No. I've not been able to explore the concept yet. That and other ideas are on my list once I move to near Portland OR. I believe there I will meet the people who will become my teachers. And I agree...there is so much more to being human than what is considered "normal" existence. I'm excited you are on the journey! :)
    Thanks. I stole it from "hush". She's a member here and posted a pretty long visitor message to me right below yours. I love your concept of grace. It fits...
    "Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that"
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