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Raccoon Love
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  • pues, entonces, necesitamos usar espanol mas. estoy aprendiendolo y espero que lo use mas :p.. y un mensaje privada veniendo
    shall we take this to PM, amigo? i don't like the idea of putting too much info on here publicly :).. oh and are you fluent in all four languages? italian, english, spanish, french?
    school is going well for the most part...staying busy, working on college stuff, et al :)
    ah, im sorry gabe... and sorry about my PM, i don't think i really got where i wanted to go with that, it seemed very scattered and not getting to the point. so, sorry.
    I'm really happy for you that your class mates are not such an airheads like those other people :). I'm glad you have taken initiative today. I have noticed that many times when I didn't dare to talk to someone because I thought "who the hell would even want to talk with me", that I was competely wrong and that in fact the other person thought the exact same thing or thought I was arrogant. To bad the only way to find out is to start interacting while you are afraid as hell ;-)
    but that is good news isn't it? People who don't care about gossiping, it is always nice to get to know them better not?
    you mean most people don"t know about the stupid things that annoying guy has said?
    :hug:There a lot of care infused in this hug. I hope you feel it. Wishing you bright and sunny days ahead.
    Don't say that, I don't want to hear you say that. Everyone deserves the chance to talk about what they're feeling, and you definitely aren't drawing too much attention to yourself. You deserve to be talking about this, and we really all are here for you, even if we can't physically be there. Tell us everything you need to say, I promise you we're all open ears.

    And I read your blog, it sounds like such a shitty situation. I hate to hear how much pain you are in, but I'd say to keep crying until you can't cry any more. It releases endorphins, and is partly catharsis. I wish I could offer nuggets of wisdom, but I'd just warn you not to get too stuck in the 'high school is forever' mentality. It hurts today, and it should, but try and remember that it's not forever. Don't go making decisions that will effect forever.

    It will get better in time, and I know that sounds so stupid, but I promise that it will. Let it hurt for now, but try and find a way to purge those feelings (and I think your writing is doing that). Get it all out of you, and then come back in the morning and look it all over. It might make more sense after some sleep.
    I hate to hear that your day's been horrible. If you want to vent, I'm all ears. If you just want to think it over, I'm there for you too.

    I'd say keep writing and writing until you can't write any more. Write it all out, scribble like crazy, tear out pages, cry on what you're writing; anything to get the negative emotions out of you and on to the paper.

    Hang in there, it really is greener on the other side of the hill *hugs* You've got so much to share with the world, and so much potential. Always remember that.
    *hugs* you doing alright 'Coon? Anything you want to talk about, even if it's just cute raccoon pics?
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