Recent content by Radiantshadow

  1. Radiantshadow

    Yes, please. I'm ready to go. Thank you for all of the beautiful music you've sent my way.

    Yes, please. I'm ready to go. Thank you for all of the beautiful music you've sent my way.
  2. Radiantshadow

    Yes, please give me a permaban. Thank you :)

    Yes, please give me a permaban. Thank you :)
  3. Radiantshadow

    Same Sex Marriage Now Legal Nationwide in USA

    It's about time. This change is long past due.
  4. Radiantshadow

    The Five Love Languages

    I dunno if the model's been scientifically validated, but I personally use acts of service, quality time, and physical touch extensively with my partner. She deeply enjoys the support and I love being helpful to her.
  5. Radiantshadow

    Let's Psychoanalyse your Avatar [2]

    Represents a craving for intimacy and a sense of belonging. The strands comprising the figures could be either strings held loosely together, referencing the possibility that the closeness felt is precarious and feels unstable, or a series of interwoven neurons, indicating a sense of deadness...
  6. Radiantshadow

    Your Favorite Movie Lines "All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given to us." <-- one of my personal mantras
  7. Radiantshadow

    What does the avatar above you make you want to do?

    Find a remote, stormy forest to wander around in
  8. Radiantshadow

    Let's Psychoanalyse your Avatar [2]

    Strives to cleanse the smoke from the ego-mind.
  9. Radiantshadow

    Last film you watched, Part 2

    Akira & Ghost in the Shell
  10. Radiantshadow

    What does the avatar above you make you want to do?

    Look at water molecules under a microscope
  11. Radiantshadow

    Let's Psychoanalyse your Avatar [2]

    Floridly symmetric with an undercurrent of swagadaciousness.
  12. Radiantshadow

    Let's Psychoanalyse your Avatar [2]

    Marks a strong appreciation for the fantastic and human imagination, with the image of the dragon symbolizing the desire for freedom and whimsicality. #BSgenerator ;)
  13. Radiantshadow

    I-Thou - Real relationships

    I believe that mindfully cultivating I-Thou relationships is in large part the root of therapists' work, and is also typical of the most durable and meaningful social relationships.
  14. Radiantshadow

    Head- Talk - How Do You Think?

    It's been pretty peaceful in there lately. Thank goodness. At the beginning of this semester, I wanted to unwrap my brain tissue and strangle myself with it. Nothing consumes me in that I obsess about it, but two thought strands tickle my mind more than others: performance at work and...