Let's Psychoanalyse your Avatar [2]

[MENTION=13464]Reign[/MENTION] - the masculine tendency of logic and rational overpowers the feminine; symbolized by the bleeding under the right eye - as well as the need to cloak one's true nature while exhibiting a shocking contrast via the white of the mask and it's lack of expression. Enjoys being dissected but not completely revealed.

You see patterns and embrace them, they mesmerize you and you find it calming and relaxing to draw them. You also wish to show who you are through your art which is why you have it as a display picture. It is a way for you to connect with people and to express yourself, the fact that you also sell your art is just an additional bonus on the side. Your art is very personal to you, and when people like your art, you feel like they also like and understood a piece of you.

You feel like you have more thoughts and think about a wider variety of things then most people you encounter, You have a rich inner world and you feel that your avatar reflects this really well. That is why you chose this artwork over all your others.

I bet you are one of the few that knew what the fox says long before that one song that shall not be named.

Based on my poor psychoanalytical skills I say that you like foxes ... duh ...

... and you are somewhat of a chill, grounded and nurturing person.

PS: I am definitely wrong!
[MENTION=11651]ArtFirst[/MENTION] I see someone with a deep connection to nature. Someone who can communicate across the barriers of the verbal and the physical. A soul whisperer, if you will, with the ability to see the world full of living-beings rather than human/animal/mammal/etc and form relationships within.

[MENTION=5750]Shaqie[/MENTION] I see controlled complexity. Strong intuition has allowed you to recognize the unforeseen and make it predictable, yet something not fully embraced or even acknowledged by you.
Strives to cleanse the smoke from the ego-mind.
Gives me the impression of someone who wants to give up his roots, and fly over them symbolyzed by the bird infused by what seems to be a tree, which seems like the earth to me, or like how a tree depends on it's roots to reach higher, and higher, but then, something must go at some point, and that's your being. We sometimes look to fly high to the stars and dreams but nature holds you in her arms for better and worse. This may suggest also that you still wear the ball and chain to the earth, nature, it's laws and limitations, the wings are still there though, and you have to give up one of the two at some point, or at least that's the situation that you drove yourself into... Metaphorically speaking.
Human struggle. I relate to that, and i may be projecting, so don't take it that seriously. I love the avatar btw.
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The theme here is obviously dark. Which leads to some kind of sadness or anger but in a beautiful way. I imagine a powerful and sad symphony with lots of use of the drums for dramatic effect. This is the emotion behind the avatar. At the same time, the crow represents wisdom and almost embracing the darkness. The key in its beak represents that embracing the darkness will lead to freedom from something or to pursue something.
Represents a craving for intimacy and a sense of belonging. The strands comprising the figures could be either strings held loosely together, referencing the possibility that the closeness felt is precarious and feels unstable, or a series of interwoven neurons, indicating a sense of deadness and rote living.
An organic maze of sorts. Perhaps reflecting the inner workings of a complex mind. The off green shades perhaps lending themselves to the idea of the beginnings of decay or the first steps to rebirth. Geometric pattern is seen indicating far removal from chaos as a norm.

sounds like a fun idea
The blue skin and its cool colour temperature indicates melancholia, though it isn't clear if this is the character's natural skin tone or simply how they appear in certain light conditions - if natural, it could mean that there is the sense that the melancholia is equally 'natural' rather than something experienced temporarily, as a reaction to circumstance.

The closed eyes (in reverie) and the self-soothing embrace, however, suggests that there is some desire to escape this condition of melancholia, although for the time being the fantasy is ersatz escape; that real escape would be beyond one's power, therefore. The red glove - a bright, primary colour; in fact the most elemental of colours in human perceptual development after black and white - suggests that what is desired is something intense and vibrant; some flash of colour or shock of life standing in direct contradistinction to the low-energy state of the blues.
@ruji's seems to be a symbol of a perfect aesthetic attained. An individual artistic expression vectored through the 'self' as its object; an inhabitation of the inner world turned inside out and worn as an external skin.

The end of an aesthetic journey and the yearning towards that state of self-actualisation finding rest in its completion. The perfection of completely authentic expression.

A cultural patrimony; pride in that. Belonging.
@ruji's seems to be a symbol of a perfect aesthetic attained. An individual artistic expression vectored through the 'self' as its object; an inhabitation of the inner world turned inside out and worn as an external skin.

The end of an aesthetic journey and the yearning towards that state of self-actualisation finding rest in its completion. The perfection of completely authentic expression.

A cultural patrimony; pride in that. Belonging.
View attachment 79596
The blue skin and its cool colour temperature indicates melancholia, though it isn't clear if this is the character's natural skin tone or simply how they appear in certain light conditions - if natural, it could mean that there is the sense that the melancholia is equally 'natural' rather than something experienced temporarily, as a reaction to circumstance.

The closed eyes (in reverie) and the self-soothing embrace, however, suggests that there is some desire to escape this condition of melancholia, although for the time being the fantasy is ersatz escape; that real escape would be beyond one's power, therefore. The red glove - a bright, primary colour; in fact the most elemental of colours in human perceptual development after black and white - suggests that what is desired is something intense and vibrant; some flash of colour or shock of life standing in direct contradistinction to the low-energy state of the blues.

That's pretty spot on actually. :)

I liked the bitter-sweet look on his face, so yeah you were on point with the impression of melancholy.